Индия обрастает авианосцами и крылатыми ракетами.

?? Serge Pod #03.12.1999 16:07

Serge Pod


Кроме покупки у России "Горшкова" Индия планирует построить еще 2 к 2010 году и закупить у России крылатые ракеты "Klub"

Что за ракеты такие?

Indian navy to add aircraft carriers, cruise missiles: admiral

NEW DELHI, Dec 3 (AFP) - 10:39 GMT - India's navy plans to add two aircraft carriers to its fleet, as well as cruise missiles for its warships, navy chief Admiral Sushil Kumar said Friday while outlining expansion plans for the next decade.
India was looking to build a combination of "maritime diplomacy, robust forward presence and dominant manoeuvre," said Kumar, who was quoted by the Press Trust of India.

Labelling India's policy "preventive deterrence," Kumar said it was essential the navy have at least two operational aircraft carriers before 2010, when its only carrier, the INS Viraat, is due to be decomissioned.

India has agreed to buy a Russian carrier, the Admiral Gorshkov, which is being refitted with updated weaponry, he said.

He also said India would itself build a carrier by 2010.

He said India's dependence on imported oil meant the navy needed to be able to police surrounding waters.

"The new silk route of the next millennium runs from the Persian Gulf via the Indian Ocean and through the Malacca Straits," he said.

He also said India's Kilo-classs warships would be fitted shortly with Russian Klub cruise missiles.

Klub missiles have a range of about 300 kilometers (190 miles).

Kumar also voiced hope the navy would acquire nuclear submarines, but said that decision lay with the government.

"It is a strategic decision and the Indian navy can only give professional advice to the government," he said.

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