Russia Begins Production of New Anti-Submarine Helicopter

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IL Serge Pod #10.01.2002 20:51

Serge Pod


Russia Begins Production of New Anti-Submarine Helicopter

The Russian military airline producer Kamov has begun construction of a new anti-submarine combat helicopter, a company spokesman said Thursday.

Construction had started on the first of the aircraft, which will be powered by two 1,550 horse power motors, Kamov`s assistant chief engineer Venyamin Kassyanikov told the Interfax-AVN news agency.

He also pointed out that all the equipment and systems of the helicopter would be produced in Russia, adding that the price of each craft would be between 2.5 and 3 million dollars /2.8 to 3.36 million euros/.

According to the company, the Russian defence ministry requires around 350 Ka-60 helicopters which are scheduled to replace the Mi-4 which is currently in service.

AVIA.RU - Информационное агентство "Российская авиация и космонавтика"

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