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CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - The crew of the International Space Station was largely confined to the Russian side of the outpost Thursday after an American-made airlock system spewed a foul odor into the U.S. half of the complex.

NASA officials said the strong, musty odor did not pose any health hazard to Russian station commander Yuri Onufrienko or U.S. flight engineers Carl Walz and Daniel Bursch, although the three men complained of slight headaches.

As a precaution, the station tenants spent the better part of their day in Russian-built crew quarters while ground controllers pumped the air on the U.S. side of the outpost through an onboard purifier.
Petty said the unpleasant smell had been traced to a system inside the $164 million U.S. Quest airlock, one that is used to cleanse and recharge air scrubbers within U.S. spacesuits.

Walz and Bursch donned suits for a spacewalk carried out at the station Wednesday. The suits had been stored for months within the airlock and engineers suspect that filters within their scrubbers might have been tainted with mildew.

Officials said heat created during the air-scrubbing process after Wednesday's spacewalk likely created the pungent aroma.

Petty said the resulting smell was "a little bit like the odor you get when you crank up your heating system in your home for the first time in the fall."

To deal with the situation, the crew first shut down the spacesuit air scrubbers and then sealed off the American airlock from the rest of the station.

A hatchway separating the U.S. and Russian sides of the station was partially closed. And the station's ventilation system was temporarily tweaked to keep air on the U.S. side out of the Russian half of the complex.

Ground controllers then began pumping all the air in the U.S. segment through a purifier designed to remove any trace contaminants — a process that takes about 13 hours.

Consequently, Bursch — who normally bunks in the U.S. Destiny lab — planned to spend the night with his two colleagues in the station's Russian crew module.



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RU asoneofus #23.02.2002 17:23


Куда этим мерикосам... Со свинным рылом, да в калашный ряд :D даже содрать ничего не могут... А может им извещения не передали? :):D
"... аще где в книге сей грубостию моей пропись или небрежением писано, молю Вас: не зазрите моему окаянству, не кляните, но поправьте, писал бо не ангел Божий, но человек грешен и зело исполнен неведения ..."  


А по-русски можно? :)
Сумма углов квадрата 360 градусов, значит квадрат это окружность.


А по-русски можно? :)
Сумма углов квадрата 360 градусов, значит квадрат это окружность.
AD Реклама Google — средство выживания форумов :)


Вообще-то там все глючит. Все - это значит ВСЕ! Если кто читал хронику полета МКС, которую в НК публикуют, тот меня поймет ;-0. У космонавтов, оказывается, очень нервная, насыщенная событиями жизнь ;-) . То сигнал 'Разгерметизация' посреди ночи раздастся, то система управления ориентацией станции сглючит (хорошо хоть их две - на обоих сегментах), СЖО работает 'как Бог на душу положит', и главное - все это без видимых причин.
Убей в себе зомби!  

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