Ilyushin Design Bureau News

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IL Serge Pod #03.06.2002 22:08

Serge Pod


Ilyushin to Participate in Long-Range Aicraft Tender

Ilyushin will take part in competitions for the construction of a new long-range passenger airplane /program cost 11,400 million rubles/, a new regional airplane in accordance with the RRG program that is beginning /500 million dollars/, a new agricultural airplane with a payload up to one tonne based on the Il-103 or Il-100 /175 million rubles/ and also a program for upgrading airplanes being used according to the requirements of international standards /3,200 million rubles/.

At the same time, the question of participating in the construction of a short to medium haul airplane still hasn`t been resolved - as OAO Tupolev with the project of a Tu-334 variant ``is ahead here.``

Source: 03.06.02, Finmarket Agency

Translated by Roy Cochrun /

AVIA.RU - Информационное агентство "Российская авиация и космонавтика"

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