Plans Under Way to Hold Il-114 Demonstration Flights in China
China has proposed to the Russian side to complete demonstration flights of the 64-passenger Il-114 airplane in China either before the aviation exhibition in Dzhuhai at the end of the year or immediately after it, the chief of the Ilyushin OKB Nikolay Talikov has reported.
He specified that the demonstration of the airplane is being planned practically for all of China, including in Tibet - in the mountain regions, where all the foreign competing airplanes essentially lose to the Il-114.
Nikolay Talikov emphasized that China has built its own 44-passenger MA-60 airplane for local airlines. The Uhan aircraft plant only now is starting to unfold the MA-60 production program. Nonetheless, China is showing interest in the Il-114 both directly in the airplane as a needed standard size for China and as a "supplement" to the MA-60 airplane. However, China is more interested in the Il-114-100 airplane with imported engines and the Il-114T transport, but also, most of all, with the foreign manufactured engines.
Source: 03.06.02, Finmarket Agency
Translated by Roy Cochrun /
AVIA.RU - Информационное агентство "Российская авиация и космонавтика"