[quote|TbMA, May 10 2003, 20:06:]
Я знаю, камуфляжа по крайней мере быть не должно. И свастика была закрашена серой краской.
А насчет башен - непонятно. См.
На фотографиях внизу верхние части башен явно
p.s. у меня тут есть немного художеств требующих идентификации. интересно будет?
ну да. вот цитата с того же сайта:
The colour of especially the main - and secondary turrets and turret tops of the Bismarck in the last few days of her career is often heavily discussed. Many people believe that they were grey, some believe they were yellow or even red. I have not yet seen any reliable source that could support the theory that the colour should be yellow or red. Unless I see some clear documentation that other colours has been used I will not change the colours used in my paint schemes. The dark grey is still to be found on the secondary armament on the wreck.
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