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2002 Oct 01
K 130 corvette shapes upKlaus Jacobsen
The German Navy's new K 130 corvettes will provide a significant
increase in capability over the fast patrol boats they will replace.
Klaus Jacobsen looks in detail at the progression of the programme
and the solutions adopted.
During the Cold War fast patrol boats (FPBs) were an indispensable
component of the German fleet. Since the former Soviet Union's
sphere of influence extended from East Germany to Finland, the
Baltic was a hostile sea and the FPBs formed the major anti-invasion
component of the fleet, designed to prevent Warsaw Pact countries
from attacking NATO territory from the sea. Today the Baltic is less
hostile and boats optimised for Cold War missions are no longer
Today's missions include larger geographical coverage and a broader
military spectrum and, more than ever, the German Navy has become an
instrument of the country's foreign and security policy. Equipment
suitable for distant, extended endurance operations has gained
importance so it can participate in crisis management missions and
respond to the increased danger of asymmetric threats.
FPBs are optimised for brown-water operations and bring their
particular strength to bear in geographically constrained and
shallow waters. For their size, they bristle with armament, giving
them a potent strike capability, but they are traditionally hampered
by short endurance and limited sea-keeping capabilities.
To overcome this, the German Navy identified the need for up to 15
new ships to replace the aging FPB fleet. A procurement contract for
five new corvettes, the K 130-class, was signed on 13 December 2001.
(A follow-on capability after the first batch could be an enlarged
version of the corvette rather than a repeat order of the existing K
130 platform.)
The K 130 corvette has been designed to operate with other land, air
and naval forces, with its modern sensor and weapon suite
constituting an important link for multinational co-operation. Due
to its size - about four times the size of the FPBs it will replace
- and the much improved sea-keeping performance resulting from this,
it will crucially be capable of carrying out land-attack operations
even in adverse weather conditions.
Furthermore, the new breed of anti-ship missiles that will equip the
vessels - capable of target discrimination and selection at sea and
ashore, with the ability to accept target-data updates in flight -
will pave the way for an increased maritime contribution to land
operations. This capability will be further enhanced by the addition
of unmanned recoverable reconnaissance drones.
Project definition
The K 130 project was undertaken with several set aims to provide
capabilities over and above those provided by the outgoing FPBs.
These requirements include extending the range to allow the vessels
to carry out operations in marginal seas, and to undertake
reconnaissance and surveillance on the high seas, and off home and
hostile coasts
Furthermore, the FPB replacement had to be able to compile real-time
situation imagery, to receive and service a helicopter from another
ship embarked as part of a taskforce, to improve the time on task,
while also being able to effectively punch above its weight and
fight larger hostile maritime forces. It also had to be able to
defend against unconventional maritime craft and hostile aviation
Analysis of these requirements led to an official conceptual design
that considerably exceeded the cost limits laid down in the defence
budget. To adhere to this cost limit, the principal of design-to-
requirement had to be given up in favour of a design-to-cost
strategy. This, of course, presupposed that the government
authorities would not confine the project definition by limiting
technical requirements.
The specification for the definition phase only stated - with a few
exceptions in the area of weapons and command and control - that
necessary, functional requirements and capabilities be added, rather
than specific equipment. Also, the required use of specific
construction principles and the application of the Rules and
Regulations for the Construction of German Naval Ships were kept to
a minimum. This gave room for innovative solutions and economic
production procedures, and enabled optimum performance within the
given cost ceiling.
Scope for industrial innovation was also increased as the customer
restricted involvement in the definition phase to a controlling
function. As a result, industry was left to select the best solution
from various technical alternatives.
The ARGE K 130 consortium - made up of Blohm + Voss as consortium
leader, TNSW and Friedrich Lurssen Werft, and EADS Systems & Defence
Electronics and Thales Naval Nederland as the supporting combat-
system integrators - was selected as K 130 prime contractor in June
2000. However, although Germany's defence committee endorsed the
project in mid-2001, it was not until 12 December that the budgetary
committee earmarked funding, securing an EUR880 million (US$761m)
contract with the Federal Office of Defence Technology and
Procurement (BWB) on 13 December, with delivery scheduled to take
place between May 2007 and November 2008.
Overall design
The design is based on a conventional monohull, with a displacement
of over 1,650 tonnes, a length of 88.3m and a width of 13.23m. The
ship's contours have been optimised with respect to seaworthiness
and are characterised by a sharp water-line contour in the bow
section. A narrow bow bulge guarantees a positive influence in terms
of resistance and wave structure, particularly at higher speeds.
The aft section is dominated by a 24m-long flight deck, designed to
support an NH 90-sized helicopter and also for the remotely operated
drones. The ship includes a refuelling station and it is fitted with
two semi-balanced rudders, which are not only responsible for
manoeuvring but also have a stabilising function. These enable
helicopters to take off and land up in conditions up to Sea State 5.
Space and weight reserves for subsequent installation of a torpedo
defence system have been borne in mind. Fuel and provision
requirements have been calculated to allow the ship to remain at sea
for at least seven days without having to resupply. Should a tender
be available in the area of operation, this can be extended to 21
Important equipment and installations, and the corresponding control
and supply lines, have been placed with survivability in mind. The
ship's equipment has been comprehensively shock-mounted and is
considered vibration-proof. However, no additional structural
elements, such as box girders and double bulkheads, have been
installed for enhanced survivability. Instead, active damage
limitation has been improved.
Great importance has been attached to reducing the signature in all
areas of the ship at the design level, particularly with respect to
surface signature. The radar cross-section (RCS) has also been
considerably reduced by means of the 'X-form' in the outer surfaces.
By covering many sub-structures, small elements and pieces of
equipment behind high bulwarks, and by using radar camouflage nets
to cover the launches and the davits, this results in an extremely
low RCS for the size of ship.
A ship's biggest hot spots are its exhaust openings, the exhaust
itself and the surfaces of the ship that are heated by the exhaust.
To reduce the infrared signature, the exhaust from the diesel
engines at full throttle and from the electricity generators is
cooled with seawater to below 150єC. The exhaust escapes are
situated on either side above the surface of the water and are
fitted with jets that can, when required, create a water veil to
reduce the infrared signature still further.
Measures have also been taken to reduce noise radiation to create
the acoustic conditions necessary for the installation of a sonar-
supported torpedo defence system. Also, a degaussing system
significantly reduces the threat from mines with magnetic
Accommodation is provided for a complement of 65. The structure and
size of the crew is designed so that the weapon system can be
maintained at sea for seven days. The accommodation corresponds to
modern standards and ensures that the crew can recuperate during
assignments. Sanitary facilities are provided for each cabin, with
accommodation set aside for a limited number of female crewmembers.
Platform technology
Two 7.4MW water-cooled, 20-cylinder, four-stroke diesel engines
drive the variable-pitch propellors via two separate drive trains,
each with a planetary gear unit. A consistent, maximum speed of at
least 26kt can thus be achieved, with a speed of up to 20kt on only
one-shaft. Fuel supplies allow for a range of over 2,500nm.
The main electrical power supply system - 440V AC - is fed by four
diesel generators of 550kW, split into two power plants, each with
its own distribution switchboard. The automated energy generation,
which is an integral part of the automation system, ensures that a
sufficient number of generators are always available for manual
requirements or automatic processes.
The Integrated Monitoring and Control System (IMCS), a flexible,
modular automation system for platform technology, allows crucial
equipment and units in the Ship Control Centre to be monitored and
controlled. Control and monitoring functions are also available at
five other operating stations located throughout the ship. The
requirements in terms of break-down security, system availability
and survivability are guaranteed by means of redundant databus
connections as well as by positioning sub-stations elsewhere in
independent units. Rapid and comprehensive damage assessment and
introduction of damage-limitation measures are supported by the
Battle Damage Control System.
When selecting the auxiliary systems and facilities for the ship,
tried-and-tested technology successfully employed on F-124-class
frigates was chosen. These take the current strict environmental
protection regulations into account and include the latest of waste-
water processing and waste treatment technology. Fresh water is
produced by means of two reverse-osmosis units, with a daily
capability of 4.8m{3}.
The whole ship is divided into two damage-control areas, with a foam
sprinkler system to protect the engine rooms and encapsulated
generators, along with a powerful seawater fire-fighting
installation. The ship is equipped with a pressurised citadel and
NBC sluice gate, as well as spray equipment to protect against the
threat of NBC attack.
The bridge features modern equipment for navigation, communication
and manoeuvring control, combined in an integrated, ergonomically
designed bridge system. The bridge will also be equipped with an
operating console each for the combat management system (CMS) and
the IMCS, for overall platform control.
The Combat Management and Weapon Direction System is based on that
of the F-124 frigate, and will incorporate reused and newly
developed software (in particular, the direct reuse of the F-124
operational software and Combat Direction System infrastructure).
Hardware will be chosen at the latest possible stage so the most up
to date hardware components are installed prior to the first
corvette entering service.
Along with fulfilling operational requirements, the combat system is
designed to lighten the load on operators and maintenance staff.
This is done by means of simulation in training, overall system
monitoring, automation, simplification and the support of command
and weapon control, as well as by means of efficient internal
communication. Staff levels can be reduced to a sensible minimum
through automation and a fully integrated operating system.
With an eye on the future, the combat system has been designed with
open architecture to ease future upgrades. It has also been designed
as a distributed system to improve system degredation in case of
failures and aids survivability.
A Combat System Data Network is available for real-time
applications, with a separate K 130-Intranet (fast-ethernet) for
non-realtime applications. The entire system is supplemented by a
video-bus. Compatible components are switched directly to the buses
and non-compatible components via bus-interface units (BIU). A PC
network (PC-logistic and administration) is available for
administrative tasks, linking a number of the cabins and offices.
Building the picture
To maintain high situational awareness at a manageable level, the
Combat Information Centre will have seven multifunction consoles and
four auxiliary workstations.
The TRS 3D/16 multifunctional radar and the electronic support
measures (ESM) unit, plus two Mirador electro-optical sensors will
detect air and surface targets, the latter enabling optical
monitoring using a monochrome tracking camera, a colour camera, an
infrared camera and one laser rangefinder. Their automatic tracking
capability means that they can also be used for fire direction.
To prevent friendly fire incidents, the K 130s are also fitted with
an identification friend-or-foe (IFF) interrogator and transponder,
with future growth potential to military Mode S. Beyond the reach of
the onboard sensors, it can also support identification of surface-
target data using external sources. The radar and integrated IFF-
interrogator-antenna, the ESM antenna and the Link antenna are all
located on the main mast on a stabilised antenna platform.
A datalink system enables the K 130 corvette to collate and
distribute tactical information within a closed and precisely
defined group of participants. Along with Link 11, the system
incorporates Link 16 and thus allows data exchange with airborne
systems. In another future-proofing move, the possibility to update
to Link 22 has also been provided for.
The combat system has the capacity to handle 1,200 tracks
simultaneously - 200 air, 200 surface and 800 link targets - passing
information straight to the combat management system.
The ships' main offensive weapon systems centre on surface attack
missiles. For long-range combat and for large surface targets, the
warfare officer can call on four heavy RBS 15 Mk 3 surface-to-
surface missiles manufactured by Saab Bofors Dynamic.
The RBS 15 Mk 3 is designed to operate in all surface attack roles,
from littoral warfare to blue-water situations, and includes a day-
and-night, all-weather, land-attack capability. Its long range (over
200km) and flexible trajectory means that it can attack hostile
vessels well beyond the horizon, but also at very close ranges. The
missiles, each individually prepared in a salvo, can be
preprogrammed to enable attacks to be mounted from different
directions, with a preselected time of arrival for each missile to
confuse air defences. Using an advanced Missile Engagement Planning
System, the missiles can make use of terrain masking for a concealed
approach to minimise warning time.
Closer in, the K 130s will carry lightweight Polyphem S missile
systems, to be developed in a trilateral co-operation with France
and Italy. (The BWB has stated that the K-130 will have Polyphem,
but parliamentary funding has still to be authorised.)
Polyphem is a smaller, wire-guided missile system capable of
attacking small and fast-moving targets at distances of 3-30nm.
Controlled by a system operator, the missile can be directed at
targets ashore using imagery from the missile's seeker head.
Polyphem is to be launched from two vertical four-cell launchers,
which are attached to either side of the aft flight deck.
The K 130's Oto Melara 76mm/62 main gun will provide the vessels
with a surface-target and shore-bombardment capability. Two Mauser
MLG 27 light guns are fitted to counter small surface targets at
close range. The ships also have a powerful self-defence capability
in the shape of two 21-cell Mk 49 Block 1A Rolling Airframe Missiles
(RAM) to defend against incoming missiles. With Block 1A, the RAM is
now also able to combat close-range helicopters, slow-flying air and
surface targets.
When required, four mine rails with their own individual mine-
launcher can be mounted on the flight deck, with a minelaying
control unit monitoring the minefield.
Around 2008 it is intended to integrate a torpedo defence system
consisting of a hull-mounted sonar, a towed-array sonar and an anti-
torpedo hard-kill weapon system currently under development.
Electronic systems
Equipment for electronic warfare contributes to establishing and
evaluating the tactical situation and increasing the corvette's
survivability rate. Two Multi-Ammunition Soft-kill Systems (MASS)
provide defence against incoming missiles. MASS, supplied by Buck,
uses dual-mode munitions enabling simultaneous defence against
infrared and radar seekers.
The vessels' communications suite is made up of various VLF/LF/MF
(receive only) and HF/VHF/UHF transmitter and receiver units. An
adaptive data radio will also be installed for the HF range, with
satellite communications possible via the UHF-SATCOM and INMARSAT
B/C. SHF and EHF SATCOM is planned as a future retrofit.
At the heart of the internal communication system is a digital
communication network with a total of 48 extensions. It links the
equipment with units of both the external and internal communication
systems and switches the internal/external circuits. The internal
communication system also comprises an integrated message-handling
and -control system (IMUS), which controls the communication
equipment, processes and distributes messages, and manages
frequencies and antennae.
Five communication workplaces are available in the radio room and a
further one is planned for the reserve radio room in emergency
situations. These workplaces are designed so that operation is
possible up to State of Readiness 2 with a two-man watch.
The K 130s will have very advanced navigation equipment including
two ring laser gyros, two GPS units, two navigation radar units and
an electronic sea chart (ECDIS). The navigation data is passed
straight to the CMS via two BIUs, each containing a navigation
computer giving a 100% redundancy in case of failure or battle
Planning ahead
Detailed design of the ship begins in January 2003, and keel-laying
of the first ship is scheduled for the second quarter of 2005.
The project's full compliance with the navy's requirements involves
some risk, however. In particular, the fibre-optic-guided Polyphem
missile system is still at an experimental stage and its full
development has not yet started. Also, the proposed reconnaissance
drones used to be an integral part of the corvette project but, due
to technical and financial risks, have been separated from the
corvette project and are now being developed independently. Whether
they will become available during the course of the project remains
to be seen.
With these two vital systems missing, the K 130 corvette faces a
considerable curtailment of its capabilities. It will be unable to
fully use the range of the RBS 15 Mk 3 missile system and provide
accurate shore-bombardment capabilities without third-party over-
the-horizon targeting from the drones. Also, the versatility and
precision of the medium-range Polyphem missile system cannot be
fully compensated for by the RBS 15 Mk 3.