Американцы вооружаются микроволновками




тас001 4 ИНФ 0166 ТАСС еб85б ИНК РУ
США создали новый вид оружия - микроволновую пушку, которая
будет развернута в Ираке

ПАРИЖ, 20 сентября. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Виталий Макарчев/.
Новейшее секретное оружие - микроволновую пушку принимает на
вооружение американский контингент в Ираке. Как сообщают
информированные европейские круги, в сентябре будущего года
этот вид оружия будет развернут на БМП, которые уже получили
кодовое название "Шериф".
Сообщается, что микроволновая пушка способна выпускать
концентрированную электромагнитную волну на расстояние до
одного километра. У человека, попавшего в зону ее действия, под
кожей на глубине 0,3 миллиметра начинает закипать вода и
молекулы крови. В результате возникает острейшая боль.
Однако достаточно выйти из зоны действия электромагнитной
волны, как боль немедленно прекращается. Разработчики
технологии - сотрудники Лаборатории исследований ВВС в штате
Нью-Мексика считают, что пушка не наносит вреда человеческому
организму, однако она исключительно эффективна для
противодействию крупным скоплениям людей.
Как сообщается, микроволновая пушка будет использоваться
войсками США в крупных иракских городах с тем, чтобы, в
частности, разгонять толпы демонстрантов. Их развернут также
возле важных военных объектов с тем, чтобы предотвратить
проникновение на них боевых групп противника. --0--рш
200640 СЕН 04
Встань гордо, в приданое порох возьми Шаг неверный не страшен - время есть впереди Наша решимость - скрытый огонь И за первым окопом всегда есть второй. Саддам Хусейн  



ставим на ракету голову наводящуюся на эм излучение - и привет шерифу
Любитель нюков  



херня какая-то...
если человек может выйти из луча, значит толку от оружия нет.
значит они будут стремиться чтобы человек не вышел из луча (района?), пока не сварится.
по поводу нелетальности - это имхо наглая ложь.



-exec->по поводу нелетальности - это имхо наглая ложь.
Ну, выжить, наверное, легче, чем под пулемётом, но свареный хрусталик глаза гарантирован за пару секунд. Для сведения, совецкая максимальная санитарная плотность СВЧ мощности на глазу установлена в 10мВт/см2. Далее требуются защитняе ср-ва. Но и при меньших мощностях СанПиН рекомендует ограничивать время воздействия, иначе - катаракта не за горами.
Так что в Ираке, американы будут плодить слепцов с огромной скоростью.
LT Олег Фадин #20.09.2004 18:32
Pentagon To Use Directed Energy Weapons In Iraq

WASHINGTON (UPI) — The Pentagon's Office of Force Transformation is retrofitting ground vehicles in service in Iraq with combined lethal and non-lethal weapons.

The Stars and Stripes reported Tuesday the program, dubbed "Project Sheriff," should give U.S. Army and Marines working in urban terrain more options, especially with potential noncombatants or civilians being used as human shields.

By next summer, the Pentagon hopes to equip four to six U.S. Army and Marine Corps vehicles with a combination of off-the-shelf technology and systems still being developed to be used for armed reconnaissance, raids, crowd control, security patrol and vehicle checkpoints...


Вот это чудо техники в более подробном описании с картинками:
LT Олег Фадин #20.09.2004 18:43
"Be ONE, with Yury."(PC game) C&C:Red Alert 2

Educate-Yourself: Don Croft

May 23, 2002. Editor's Note: The info you are about to read was posted today (May 25, 2002) by Don Croft. The explanation for the ELF towers discussed below from the anonymous source makes perfect sense to me. The erection of these microwave towers around the world are part of a huge electronic deception operation known as Project Blue Beam. I had already learned from Sterwart Swerdlow that the kickoff date for the NWO takeover was supposed to have been year 2000, but the date was pushed up to 2003 due to unforseen obstacles impeding the agenda; gun control in America being one of them.

// educate-yourself.org

RU Centuriones #20.09.2004 23:56



Теперь я понял, почему американские солдаты скоро будут выглядеть так:

или так:


Одним словом: собирайте ведра!
Раньше были времена,
А теперь мгновения.
Раньше поднимался дух,
А теперь давление.



Вот еще почти что Вейдер. :)
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Осталось выяснить на какой длине волны работает эта хренотень... И чем она охлаждается;)

Кстати, на счет излучений, глаз и прочего. Есть в физиотерапии такая процедура - УВЧ-терапия. Ну там электроды как подушки на палках, и еще тетенька в них неонкой тычет.
Частота - гиги, мощность до 300 Вт. На нос (на гайморовы пазухи) ватт 30 подводится... И ничего, тепло и хорошо...



AleX413>Частота - гиги, мощность до 300 Вт.
Не надо лечить. Частота там не гиги, а меги, причем, считанные.
А хренотень, как пишут американы, имеет рабочую частоту 95ГГц, то есть, она миллиметровая.
КПД мощных магнетронов больше 90%, так что проблема охлаждения- не самая главная.


Мне непонятна одна весч. Вот, если я суну руку под мощный мазер, мне будет больно. Но если я руку уберу - боль вовсе не прекратится. Ожог будет, а может и дырка с обугленными краями. С чего бы это боль должна сразу проходить? :huh:

Кипение молекул - страшное дело. :D
Солипсизм не пройдёт! :fal:  
Это сообщение редактировалось 21.09.2004 в 15:23



Ладушки, заеду на днях к папаше, возьму паспорт от какого-нить аппарата... Сам он не помнит, а в паспорте частота точно есть. Но мне на память приходят гигагерцы...

На счет охлаждения... А Вы представляете размер магнетрона на 95 ГГц? Частота определяется размерами резонатора. Вспоминаем кухонный (который в микроволновке) и уменьшаем раз во много.
КПД 90% - это вряд ли... Процентов 70 в лучшем случае. Если мощность порядка кВт - ватт 300 надо как-то отводить от мааааленькой такой штучки... С кухонным проще - в печке здоровый вентилятор. А такую мелкоту воздухом уже никак - холодным антифризом в лучшем случае.

А видимо нагрев слабый и греется очень маленькое количество. Фактически надо, чтобы нагрелся слой, в котором рецепторы. Поэтому и частота большая. Чтобы стало больно, нужно нагреть градусов до 50. Денатурация если и пойдет, то медленно...



Понятно. Мощность, доставляемая в слой с рецепторами достаточна, чтобы болевые рецепторы на нее реагировали - работали на полную катушку, но совершенно недостаточна для собственно разрушения их, выжигания слоя поглощения... При облучении избыточное тепло отводится в другие слои тела, также не нанося им вред.

И при выходе из зоны поражения нагретый отнюдь не до денатурации белков слой охлаждается. Если медики/биологи не скажут, что это лажа и быть такого не может, получается вполне пристойная картинка.

Интересно, если область с рецепторами нагреть до, скажем, 40-45 по Цельсию, это очень больно?

Фразу про кипение воды будем считать отсебятиной журналюг. Кипение молекул - она и есть. Хотя нагревается(но не кипятится) наверняка вода.
Солипсизм не пройдёт! :fal:  
Это сообщение редактировалось 25.09.2004 в 13:56
RU Клапауций #27.09.2004 13:22


навряд ли там магнетроны, частота уж больно большая...
в СВЧ кстати всего два с половиной гига (2,450 если точно)
В тот день, когда ты решишь, что ты лишен недостатков , попробуй прогуляться по воде  


Если эта штуковина не оставляет следов воздействия, то ИМХО стоит ожидать повсеместного ее использования, например, для выбивания нужных показаний. И в США, и у нас. Так что если сам девайс не запретят, то...
И ничего не докажешь потом. ;)
Солипсизм не пройдёт! :fal:  
LT Олег Фадин #03.10.2004 00:03

http://kp.ru/kp.ru [not image]

Оружие антитеррора: на грани фантастики

Идеального оружия против террористов, которые прикрываются заложниками, к сожалению, не существует. Но уже созданы образцы, которые в отдельных случаях могли бы и сработать. Созданы в США, хотя были изобретены и опробованы в России.

// kp.ru

X-COM солдат
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Это сообщение редактировалось 03.10.2004 в 00:45
LT Олег Фадин #23.10.2004 05:45
Silent Subliminal Mind Control

United States Patent 5,159,703 Lowery October 27, 1992

Silent Subliminal Presentation System


A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.

Inventors: Lowery; Oliver M. (5188 Falconwood Ct., Norcross, GA 30071) Appl. No.: 458339 Filed: December 28, 1989

Current U.S. Class: 455/42; 381/73.1; 455/46; 455/67.11; 455/67.13; 455/67.16; 607/56 Intern'l Class: H04B 007/00; H04R 025/00; H04R 003/02 Field of Search: 455/46,47,66,109,110,42-43 381/73.1,105,124 358/141-143 600/28 128/420.5 380/38

Primary Examiner: Eisenzopf; Reinhard J.
Assistant Examiner: Faile; Andrew


What is claimed:

1. A silent communications system, comprising:

(a) amplitude modulated carrier means for generating signals located in non-aural portions of the audio and in the lower portion of the ultrasonic frequency spectrum said signals modulated with information to be perceived by a listener's brain and,

(b) acoustic and ultrasonic transducer means for propagating said signals, for inducement into the brain, of the listener, and,

© recording means for storing said modulated signals on mechanical, magnetic and optical media for delayed or repeated transmissions to the listener.

2. A silent communications system, comprising:

(a) frequency modulated carrier means for generating signals located in non-aural portions of the audio and in the lower portion of the ultrasonic frequency spectrum, said signals modulated with information to be perceived by a listener's brain, and;

(b) acoustic and ultrasonic transducer means for propagating said signals, for inducement into the brain of the listener, and;

© recording means for storing said modulated signals on mechanical, magnetic and optical media for delayed or repeated transmissions to the listener.

3. A silent communications system, comprising:

(a) a combination of amplitude and frequency modulated carrier means for generating signals located in non-aural portions of the audio and in the lower portion of the ultrasonic frequency spectrum, said signals modulated with information to be perceived by a listener's brain, and

(b) acoustic and ultrasonic transducer means for propagating said signals, for inducement into the brain of the listener;

© recording means for storing said modulated signals on mechanical, magnetic and optical media for delayed or repeated transmissions to the listener.



This invention relates in general to electronic audio signal processing and, in particular, to subliminal presentation techniques.


Subliminal learning enjoys wide use today and subliminal tapes are being manufactured by a number of companies in the United States alone. Several decades of scientific study indicate that subliminal messages can influence a human's attitudes and behavior. Subliminal, in these discussions, can be defined as "below the threshold of audibility to the conscious mind." To be effective however, the subliminally transmitted information (called affirmations by those in the profession) must be presented to the listener's ear in such a fashion that they can be perceived and "decoded" by the listener's subconscious mind. We are referring to audio information in this discussion, however, information could be inputted into the subject's subconscious mind through any of the body's sensors, such as touch, smell, sight or hearing. As an example, early development work in the subliminal field utilized motion pictures and slide projections as the medium. Early research into visual and auditory subliminal stimulation effects is exemplified by U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,060,795 of Corrigan, et al. and 3,278,676 of Becker. U.S. Pat. No. 4,395,600 of Lundy and Tyler is representative of later developments in today's subliminal message techniques.

The majority of the audio subliminal tapes available today are prepared using one basic technique. That is, the verbal affirmations are mixed with, and recorded at a lower level than, a "foreground" of music or sounds of ocean surf or a bubbling mountain brook or other similar "masking" sounds. The affirmations are generally recorded 5 decibels (db) or so below the "foreground" programming and regenerative automatic gain control is usually applied to permit the affirmations to change their recorded amplitude in direct proportion to the short term averaged amplitude of the continually varying "foreground" material. In other words, the volume of the affirmations will follow or track the volume changes of the "foreground" programming, but at a lower volume level. Circuit provisions are also usually included to "gate" the affirmations off when the music amplitude is low or zero. This insures that the affirmations cannot be heard during quiet program periods. Thus, today's subliminal affirmations can be characterized as being "masked" by music or other sounds, of constantly changing amplitude and of being reduced or cut off entirely during periods of low or quiet "foreground" programming.

One of the principal, and most widely objected to, deficiencies in available subliminal tape presentation techniques is that the presence of the "foreground" material is intrusive to both the listener and to anyone else in the immediate area. No matter what "foreground" material is chosen, the fact remains that this material can be heard by anyone within its range and presents a definite distraction to other activities such as conversation, thought, desire to listen to other programming such as radio or television, need to concentrate, etc. Additionally, and because the tapes are used repeatedly by the same listener, any "foreground" music or material eventually becomes monotonously tiring to that listener.

It is the purpose of the following described invention to eliminate or greatly reduce all of the above deficiencies. Although its application to the magnetic tape medium is described in the following discussion, the technique is equally applicable to most other desired transmission mediums, such as Compact Disc, videocassettes, digital tape recorders, Public Address (PA) systems, background music installations, computer software programs, random access memory (RAM), read only memory (ROM), "live", real time applications and other mediums now in existence or to be developed in the future.

Implemented on tape cassettes, for example, the subliminal presentation described here is inaudible i.e., high audio or ultrasonic frequencies, the affirmations are presented at a constant, high amplitude level, and they occupy their own "clear channel", non-masked frequency allocations. If desired, the previously described "foreground" music or other material can be added to the tape through use of an audio mixer. The "silent" recordings are inaudible to the user or by others present and are therefore very effective for use during periods of sleep or when in the presence of others. Additionally, the basic requirements of subliminal stimulation are met. That is, the affirmations are efficiently transmitted to the ear and, while undetected by the conscious mind, are perceived by and efficiently decoded by the subconscious mind.


Accordingly, several objects and advantages of my invention are:

(a) to provide a technique for producing a subliminal presentation which is inaudible to the listeners(s), yet is perceived and demodulated (decoded) by the ear for use by the subconscious mind.

(b) to provide a technique for transmitting inaudible subliminal information to the listener(s) at a constant, high level of signal strength and on a clear band of frequencies.

© to provide a technique for producing inaudible subliminal presentations to which music or other "foreground" programming may be added, if desired.

Still further objects and advantages will become apparent from a consideration of the ensuing description and drawings.


In the drawings, the first digit of each component number also refers to the figure number where that component can be located.

FIG. 1 represents the block diagram of a suitable system which will generate a frequency modulated (FM) signal at 14,500 Hz.

FIG. 2 represents an approximation of the frequency response curve of the human ear and the signal decoding process.

FIG. 3 represents the block diagram of a suitable system which will generate a single sideband, suppressed carrier, amplitude modulated (AM) signal at 14,500 Hz.



Please refer now to FIG. 1 and FIG. 2, which are drawings of a preferred implementation of the invention.

The principle of operation of the silent subliminal presentation system is as follows:

An audio signal in the upper frequency region of the audio spectrum (for example, 14,500 Hz) is modulated with the desired information. The type of modulation may be any type suitable for subliminal applications; frequency modulation (FM), phase modulation (PM), upper single sideband with suppressed carrier, amplitude modulation (AM), tone modulation, etc.

For broadest application, the high audio frequency selected as the carrier frequency must meet two basic criteria:

(1) be high enough in the audio spectrum that its presence to the human ear is essentially unnoticed or undetectable (without the listener being informed that the signal is actually present) and,

(2) be low enough in the audio spectrum that it (and its modulation content) can produce a useful output power from home entertainment type cassette or reel-to-reel magnetic recorders.

This would also include, of course, small portable and automobile tape decks.

Alternatively, the output of the system can be fed directly into an audio amplifier and its speaker/earphone system, Public Address system, etc.

FIG. 1 provides the block diagram of an example of a system capable of generating the desired silent frequency modulated carrier.

The modulation information is inputted into the microphone 11. Other suitable input devices may be substituted for microphone 11, such as a tape recorder or a radio. The microphone 11 is connected to the preamplifier 12 and should have provisions for adjusting its gain in order that the optimum modulation index can be set in the frequency modulator 13. The frequency modulator 13 modulates the frequency of oscillator 14 which has been adjusted for an output of 14,500 Hz as described above. The output of oscillator 14 is fed through a suitable bandpass filter 15 into the tape recorder or directly into a suitable amplifier/speaker system. It is the purpose of the bandpass filter to remove or attenuate audible products of the modulation process in order to maintain as audibly silent an output as practical.

On the receiving end, FIG. 2 represents an approximate and idealized frequency response curve of the human ear. The frequency modulated carrier (centered at 14,500 Hz), as generated above and played through a tape recorder or amplifier/speaker system, is shown on FIG. 2 as speaker output 26, impinging upon the upper slope of the ear's response curve at point 25. The frequency modulated excursions of the speaker output 26 swing between points 23 and 24 on the ear's upper response curve. Because the response curve between points 23 and 25 is relatively linear, this action results in a relatively linear demodulation of the original modulation intelligence, which is passed on subliminally to the inner ear. The amplitude of the demodulated output is not high enough to be detected by the conscious mind but is sufficient in amplitude to be detected by the subconscious mind. In the field of communications engineering design, the above demodulation process in known as slope detection and was used in early FM receiver design. In those receivers, the response curve was formed by the action of a tuned (inductive/capacitance) circuit. In our case, the response curve is formed by the natural response curve of the human ear. The same slope detection technique can be performed at the low frequency end of the human ear response curve. This region is indicated on FIG. 2 as between points 21 and 22. This region, however, has a much smaller available bandwidth and is therefore more restricted as to the amount of information that can be transmitted in an inaudible manner.

In practice, the listener adjusts the volume control of the tape recorder or amplifier to a level just below that at which the listener hears an audible sound or noise from the speaker of the tape recorder. If the recording process is properly done, a spectrum analyzer or a calibrated sound level meter will reveal a strong signal emanating from the tape recorder speaker. A calibrated sound level meter, at a distance of 1 meter (with C weighting and referenced to the standard of 0.0002 micro bar) will typically indicate a silent power output of from 60 to 70 decibels. This is equivalent to the audio power of a loud conversation, yet, in the described system, is inaudible or unnoticed by the listener.

FIG. 3 illustrates a system which generates a suitable amplitude modulated (AM) signal, instead of the frequency modulated (FM) system described above. The output is a modulated, single sideband (SSB), suppressed carrier (AM) signal at 14,500 Hz.

The block diagram represents a common scheme for generating an SSB signal and will be briefly described.

The desired subliminal information is spoken into microphone 31. This signal is amplified by speech amplifier 32 and injected into one port of balanced modulator 33. A continuous wave signal of 455 KHz is generated by carrier oscillator 34 and is injected into the second port of balanced modulator 33. The output of balanced modulator 33 is a double sideband, suppressed carrier signal at 455 KHz. This signal is fed through filter 35, causing one of the two sidebands to be removed. This signal is fed into one port of mixer 36. A continuous wave signal at a frequency of 469.5 KHz from hetrodyne oscillator 37 is fed into the other port of mixer 36, resulting in an output of the original subliminal audio information but translated 14,500 Hz higher in frequency. The bandpass filter 38 attenuates signals and noise outside of the frequencies of interest. The amplitude modulated audio output signal is shown as output 39.

Thus, as stated earlier, my invention provides a new system for subliminal presentations which is:

(a) silent,

(b) outputs a constant, high level modulated signal and,

© occupies a band of clear channel frequencies.

The foregoing description of the preferred embodiment of the invention has been presented for the purposes of illustration and description. It is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise form disclosed. Many modifications and variations are possible in light of the above discussions. It is intended that the scope of the invention be limited not only by this detailed description, but rather by the claims appended hereto.


LT Олег Фадин #23.10.2004 06:53

The follow-on "Block 30" will be fitted with a high-power microwave (HPM) "directed energy" weapon, expanding on the UCAV's jammer role by actually frying adversary electronic systems. The HPM weapon will be "fired" out an aperture on the front of the aircraft, with electronic steering used to direct the beam over an arc covering about 45 degrees to either side of the UCAV.

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LT Олег Фадин #23.10.2004 07:07
GlobalResearch.ca - Centre for Research on Globalization
Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG)

The Russian State Duma has expressed concern about the USA's programme to develop a qualitatively new type of weapon.

"Under the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme (HAARP) [website address: ,]http://server5550.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects/haarp/], the USA is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the near-Earth medium with high-frequency radio waves," the State Duma said in an appeal circulated on Thursday [8 August].

"The significance of this qualitative leap could be compared to the transition from cold steel to firearms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons. This new type of weapons differs from previous types in that the near-Earth medium becomes at once an object of direct influence and its component.

These conclusions were made by the commission of the State Duma's international affairs and defence committees, the statement reads.

The committees reported that the USA is planning to test three facilities of this kind. One of them is located on the military testing ground in Alaska and its full-scale tests are to begin in early 2003. The second one is in Greenland and the third one in Norway.

"When these facilities are launched into space from Norway, Alaska and Greenland, a closed contour will be created with a truly fantastic integral potential for influencing the near-Earth medium," the State Duma said.

The USA plans to carry out large-scale scientific experiments under the HAARP programme, and not controlled by the global community, will create weapons capable of breaking radio communication lines and equipment installed on spaceships and rockets, provoke serious accidents in electricity networks and in oil and gas pipelines and have a negative impact on the mental health of people populating entire regions, the deputies said.

They demanded that an international ban be put on such large-scale geophysical experiments.

The appeal, signed by 90 deputies, has been sent to President Vladimir Putin, to the UN and other international organizations, to the parliaments and leaders of the UN member countries, to the scientific public and to mass media outlets.

Among those who signed the appeal are Tatyana Astrakhankina, Nikolay Kharitonov, Yegor Ligachev, Sergey Reshulskiy, Vitaliy Sevastyanov, Viktor Cherepkov, Valentin Zorkaltsev and Aleksey Mitrofanov.

Copyright © Interfax 2002. For fair use only


Excerpts from Patent #4,686,605 HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)


...Sufficient energy is employed to cause ionization of neutral particles (molecules of oxygen, nitrogen, and the like, PARTICULATES, etc.) which then become part of the (plasma) region, thereby increasing the charged particle density of the region. This effect can also be enhanced by providing artificial particles, eg electrons, ions, etc, directly into the region to be affected from a rocket, satellite, or the like, to supplement the particles in the naturally occurring plasma. The artificial particles are also ionized by the transmitted electromagnetic radiation thereby increasing charged particle density of the resulting plasma of the region...

In another embodiment of the invention, electron cyclotron resonance heating is carried out in the selected region or regions at sufficient power levels to allow a plasma present to generate a MIRROR FORCE which forces the charged electrons of the altered plasma UPWARD along the force line to an altitude which is higher than the original altitude... Sufficient power, eg 10 to the 15th joules, can be applied so that altered plasma can be trapped on the field line between mirror points and will oscillate in space for prolonged periods of time. By this embodiment, a plume of altered plasma can be established at selected locations for communications modifications or other purposes...

ed.-That means Surveillance KEYHOLES of ALLLLLL types, folks. Coupled with Time Domain Corporation Classified Eavesdropping Patents (200+) that does not bode well for Human Liberty ANYWHERE.

...Thus, this invention provides the ability to put unprecedented amounts of power in the Earths Atmosphere at strategic locations, and maintain the power injection level, particularly if random pulsing is employed, in a manner far more precise than heretofore accomplished by prior art, particularly by the detonation of nuclear devices of various yields at various altitudes...

Disruption of communications can be employed by one knowledgeable of this invention as a communications network at the same time (Disruption is caused to other parties)...knowledge of the various em waves being employed and how they will vary in frequency and magnitude can be used to an advantage for positive communication, and eavesdropping purposes at the same time...


проект финансирует ARCO - корпорация Буша.

источник: Chemtrail Central :: View topic - Our Climate Dead or Alive - With Chemtrails and HAARP it is

патенты HAARP: Chemtrail Central :: View topic - HAARP patents
Chemtrail Central :: View topic - WELSBACH patent
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