Marines of the 4th Battalion, 14th Marines Mike Battery, Gun 4: (Left to Right) Gunner, Sergeant Justin Grafton; (powder man) # 3 Cannoneer, Private First Class Matthew Camp; Section Chief, Sergeant Mike Dasher; #4 Cannoneer, Lance Corporal Josh Rosenberger; #5 Cannoneer, Corporal Will McGee; Ammo Team Chief, Corporal Jonathan Layman, and (string puller) #1 Cannoneer, Lance Corporal Jonathan Fox; at Camp Fallujah, Iraq receive the command to engage enemy targets with a M-198 155mm Howitzer, called in by fellow Marines in the city of Fallujah during Operation Al Fajr on November 11, 2004. (United States Marine Corps photo by Lance Corporal Samantha L. Jones, 1FSSG COMBAT CAMERA) 041111-M-3658J-005 (Released)