
Киров в Северодвинске....Ремонтируют или пилят?

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GR LEONID BREZHNEV #09.10.2007 14:12



I forgot to ask what will gonna happen with the 4th Slava class missile cruiser which is 95% ready, will be scrapped too?
Это сообщение редактировалось 09.10.2007 в 14:30



1,2 The translation of the answer about “Nakhimov” needs plenty of time. Could you wait a little bit?

3. It’s good for us that you think so – we don’t worry.

4.I am not interested in it. Being an adherent of the NAVY of USSR I leave these ships out of account.
Do not speak about our President. I do not want to speak about politics at the Forum. Every person has his own attitude towards the president. If you like him – it is good.

5. Turkish cannot worry about the fourth ship 1164 of the class “Slava”. Neither Russia, nor the Ukraine has it.
GR LEONID BREZHNEV #11.10.2007 13:49



1,2 Ok iam waiting, but I dont understand this mystery about the final decision for these valuable cruisers.Don't forget that we speak about the most powerful vessel in world, not just for a frigate.

3. I dont understand why are you so ironic with me. I am much older than you (26 years old) and I study the Russian navy from 1994. Also I built Russian warship models, I ve already built the half fleet, in model kits (1/350 scale), so I have a lot of knowledge about the fleet.As for your phrase about "NAVY of USSR" the 95% of Russian navy was built in Soviet period. Only 3 vessels built after 1991. The corvet "Gepard", the patrol boat "Astrahan" and the corvet "Stereghushy". The Periods of Tsars and the Soviet period is the major part of Russian history.

4. I didn't made a political statement. It is not politics if someone say wishes in birthday. Don't forget that 75% of your compatriots, 75% of Russian people support President Putin. If you are against him you are a tiny minority, maybe you support the oligarhs like Berezovki... doesn't mind it is your opinion, but please бпп let me free to have my own opinion, and to admire personalities like Putin. This man also is very popular in my country in Greece, and I like him because our politicians are traitors, and completely corrupted. In life you admire anything that you don't have.

5. Turkish? Your are Turkish? I dont thik that in my question I wrote any thing about Turkey. Also dont forget that I am Orthodox Greek not Turkish. Maybe you feel that Turkey is your best friend I wish I am wrong.. For me the best Turkish is the dead Turkish. As for the "Admiral Lobov" the Forth Slava it is property of the Ucranian shipyards until now. Two things as I know are possible, or to enter in Russian navy or to enter in Chineese navy.



About "Lobov":
probably it is never gonna enter any navy. Ukraine is too poor and in fakt doesn't need this ship. Russia is not going to pay for it. China doesn't need such boat either. The most possable variant is that Lobov is gonna die at the Nikolaev shipyard in few eyars. This is the main reason why turkish can feel safe - Lobovis will never become a new threat in a Black sea area.
GR LEONID BREZHNEV #11.10.2007 17:34


I am sorry about the "Turkish" I didn't understand the meaning of the text of бпп, and also I was a little bit angry with him because he was a little bit ironic. As for Lobov, this is a complete madness because a 95% vessel it will be scrapped, at the same time in wich the navy modernize the much more older OCACKOV kara class cruiser wich is 35 years old. Lobov could perfectly replace the old Kara class cruiser.


The situation is not as simple as it seems to be. Lobov is a property of Ukraine, and Russia will have to pay high prise to get it. Still the ship is not complete, and this means alot. Russia won't buy an unfinished ship, i can remind you Varyag & Ulyanovsk. Thougt they were much more importaint for navy they were lost. Now compare, who is gonna think of some unbuilt ukrainian cruiser?
about Ochakov. As we can see, it is not beeng modernized. The prosess may be called reanimating. Duaring last 15 years the repair works slowly go on. Modernization is just cover. My opinion is that Ocakov will never returne to the first line of the Fleet. But admirals still need it. In russian Black Sea Fleet there are only 3 first-rank ships - Ochakov is one of them. I'm shure, they will make big afforts to keep Ochakov alive, because it's really importaint.
Lobov in this situation is in fact lost. I don't even know, if there is a crew on it today. Bad luck for this powerful ship, but i see no ways for it.
GR LEONID BREZHNEV #11.10.2007 19:20


I dont think that Ochakov has proper capabilities as a real first rank warship. Black fleet has 2 1st rank warships, the Kara has no antiship capabilities so by this way I don' t thik that Kara class has any importanse today. On the other hand Lobov could possibly be armed with P-1000 Vulkan missiles wich has 780km range! So if you look carefully Lobov have maybe 4 times the firepower of Kara class cruiser/large ASW ship. Why Russian navy is so weak in surface fleet? If you see more carefully Russia has only 12 vessels of first rank in four fleets. 1 kUznetsov, 1 Pyotr Veliki, 3 Slava (Varyag is in refit) 4-5 "Sovremmeny" class & 1 Udaloy II. I put out the 6 UDALOYI because they have NO antiship capability and very very limited anti air capability, so the surface fleet in very few years will not exist any more. This is the truth nothing more nothing less. The navy wants to put out all the steam powered project 956, so without them Russia have only 5 vessels of signifigant power. So I insist that "Admiral Nakhimov" should be modernized and not to be scrapped, as well as "Admiral Lazarev" and the "Lobov" to be finished. Now the rate of builting new vessels is very very very slow and I wonder what will replace Kirov and Slava classes, project 22350 frigate is very small and very uncertain the first of the class will be commisioned in 2012 and the 2nd has not started construction yet, so it is better in period of 15-20 years to keep the modernized Kirovs which are very powerful platforms and to keep also the Slavas, and then to start developing new missile destroyers equal to "Arleigh Burge" for replacing the Kirovs and the Slavas, but in all this time without Kirovs and Slavas the navy will have no vessels in water. That 's all.



To L.B.
I suppose that it is better for you to find a professional translator for the article, which I was mentioned. I am not able to explain you the specific terms in full measure. I say it seriously. Sorry…
I beg your pardon; I did not want to hurt you. It is difficult to live without humor and irony in the Russian Navy.
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With the beginning of the naval conflict between Russia and the NATO countries, Turkish will block up Black sea straits for the Russian navy. The less ships Russia has, the calmer Turkish will be.
Greece is a wonderful country! I like it very much. I am jealous of its history and, especially, the climate. You know, there is a Russian proverb: “there is everything in Greece!”(«В Греции все есть!») That is why we supply fur coats from Greece.

I am not a theoretic of the naval art but a practical man. That is why I do not like talking about the revival of the Russian navy when only frigates and corvettes are built in fact. All these ships are of the near sea zone («ближняя морская зона»), whatever Russian mass media might say. I will never put up with the secondary importance of the Russian Navy in the world.
GR LEONID BREZHNEV #13.10.2007 15:46



I m sorry but I missunderstood you before, my mistake:) I have to say that I am jealous of your country , your history and... your navy of cource.
Frigates and corvettes are being built now for only one reason. Both Kuroyedov and Masorin have said that: We have to replace first the small and the medium sized units and then the big and the most important units. By this meaning firsly, all Krivaks, project 1124 corvettes, and Sovremmenyys,due to the steam egine that they have, and then the large Slavas, Kirovs etc. But as I already said in meantime the navy needs the Kirovs and Slavas, to operrate and to keep the status of the 2nd naval power. If the navy plans to built new aircraft carriers, only large destroyers and cruisers could escort them and protect the, not the corvettes of pr. 20380, nor the smalle frigates of pr. 22350.

As for Greece there is nothing, except corruption, dirty cities, extremmely hot weather and extremmely high prices...

I am sorry my friend for what I said in my previous posting. Finally do you know the name of the Admiral that recently replaced Masorin?



To L.B.


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"30 лет назад на воду сошел первенец русских тяжелых атомных крейсеров"

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GR LEONID BREZHNEV #21.01.2008 13:20


What can I say? Only one word S H A M E
RU Dmitriy Stogniy #21.01.2008 18:45
Dear Leonid!

One old Russian proverb spoken: "if you have lost the head - do not cry about the hair".

Russia dies and her fleet too dies together...
RU havron #21.01.2008 19:49  @Dmitriy Stogniy#21.01.2008 18:45


D.S.> Dear Leonid!
D.S.> One old Russian proverb spoken: "if you have lost the head - do not cry about the hair".
D.S.> Russia dies and her fleet too dies together...

Russia died in 1917, mr.



havron> Russia died in 1917, mr.
А флот - он тоже умер в 1917г?



а по русски вариантов нет ? или мы в америке ?


tabyn> а по русски вариантов нет ? или мы в америке ?

Да и я председатель Калифорнийского обкома КПSS.


Chief> Да-с, проще по моему на ледоколах установить Базальты с Москитами, чем содержать крейсера северного флота....
Chief> Кстати, что меня сильно удивило, так это Осы с Вымпелами на ледоколах.....
Хи-с... :) Если посмотреть на наши ледоколы сверху, то отчетливо видно на палубе пару нехилых таких люков. Аналогичные люкам на "Киеве" и систершипах. Потому и 6-30 стояли, а вовсе не для отпугивания белых медведей... :)
Мне в свое время Ханмамедов (старшее поколение очень хорошо эту фамилию знает по "Моделисту-конструктору") жаловался, как ему запретили публиковать очень хорошие чертежи "Арктики" - по причине наличия этих самых люков.
GR LEONID BREZHNEV #22.01.2008 17:55


Keep in mind that a US nuclear powered vessel "USS Enterprize" CVN 65 serves the US navy almost for 50 years. When Kirov entered in service in 1981 Enterprize was 20 years old. So I do believe that a vessel like Kirov is too valiable and needs to be modernized and not scraping. Its a great BLASFEMY to give the name of Admiral Gorskov to a tiny frigate, and the glorious name of Admiral Ushakov to a sovremmeny destroyer.



Последние новости Кировского сайта:
● "Ударная сила. Атомный исполин" - очерк о крейсерах пр. 1144, показанный на 1 канале 22 мая 2008 года.
● "Курс на Венесуэлу" - интервью 6 октября 2008 года с адмиралом В.Касатоновым (служил на "Кирове" с 1984 по 1990 гг).
● "Одному - далекое плавание, другому - новая жизнь" - 3-х минутный видеосюжет о корабле от 23 сентября 2008 года.
● С 26 сентября 2008 года сайт начал работу в зоне RU:

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RU Denis_469 #19.10.2008 21:31  @LEONID BREZHNEV#22.01.2008 17:55



L.B.> Keep in mind that a US nuclear powered vessel "USS Enterprize" CVN 65 serves the US navy almost for 50 years. When Kirov entered in service in 1981 Enterprize was 20 years old. So I do believe that a vessel like Kirov is too valiable and needs to be modernized and not scraping. Its a great BLASFEMY to give the name of Admiral Gorskov to a tiny frigate, and the glorious name of Admiral Ushakov to a sovremmeny destroyer.

I agree with you, but it is Russia and here who is better than money split among themselves those at authority. :(



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