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Coast Guard search follows sighting of cylindrical object near Porvoo
Navy detects underwater object in archipelago

Finnish Coast Guard units in the Gulf of Finland searched for a cylindrical object on Sunday that had been seen near the city of Porvoo, east of Helsinki, earlier in the day.
The object, reported to be about 30 cm. in diameter, was sighted south of the southern tip of Emäsalo at a distance of 200 - 300 metres. The person reporting the object said that the object briefly surfaced and submerged soon after that.
Three coast guard vessels and a Frontier Guard helicopter took part in the search.
Nothing unusual had been found by the evening.

The Finnish Navy reported on Sunday evening that it had investigated two other incidents of underwater activity during the weekend.
On Saturday afternoon the missile ship, the Kotka, detected an unknown radar trace south of the island of Örö in the southwest archipelago. The vessel went to the spot and dropped small depth charges as warnings, but no further observations were made.
A Frontier Guard vessel continued to patrol in the area after the Kotka had left.
The Navy also followed up on a report of underwater activity in the western part of the Gulf of Finland near Finnish territorial waters. No further information was obtained.
The Finnish Navy has now intensified its monitoring activities, and patrols in Finnish waters have been increased.

Naval Chief of Staff, Commodore Hanno Strang says that the observations are surprising.
He feels that it would be strange for anyone to be testing Finland’s underwater surveillance systems.
"It is important for us to show that we made the observations, and that we will go to the spot", he said.
He also noted that there had been no confirmation of the sighting of a suspected submarine near the Åland Islands by crew on a passenger ship, which reportedly nearly collided with the unidentified vessel earlier this month.
KZ Destroyer Novik #11.02.2007 19:56

Destroyer Novik

Неопознаннай обжект? А это не та ПЛ, что по слухам построена частным лицом, и никак не может покинуть "Маркизову лужу"?=)


Неужто современные гидроакустические средства могут так точно измерять габариты объекта? Тем более таких крохотных - 30 см. Что-то плохо верится.

Подводных лодок такого диаметра, насколько я знаю, не делают. :) Разве что для транспортер для кошек-диверсантов. :)


AGRESSOR> Неужто современные гидроакустические средства могут так точно измерять габариты объекта? Тем более таких крохотных - 30 см. Что-то плохо верится.
AGRESSOR> Подводных лодок такого диаметра, насколько я знаю, не делают. :) Разве что для транспортер для кошек-диверсантов. :)
Да все просто! Это дрессированые тюлени (или нерпы)-разведчики или диверсанты в бронежилетах.
Гидролокаторы бокового обзора фирмы Симрад еще не то обнаружат!



AGRESSOR> Неужто современные гидроакустические средства могут так точно измерять габариты объекта? Тем более таких крохотных - 30 см. Что-то плохо верится.
AGRESSOR> Подводных лодок такого диаметра, насколько я знаю, не делают. :) Разве что для транспортер для кошек-диверсантов. :)
Про кошек в прессе не сообщалось. Скорее речь идет про ниндзя-черепашек.
Душу - Богу, жизнь - Царю, сердце - даме, а честь - никому!  
Это сообщение редактировалось 11.02.2007 в 22:35
UA Andrey_Kr #12.02.2007 02:45



Прочитав тему, вспомнил одну фразу:
"Такое ощущение, что у финов даже дети пьяные" (с) Задорнов
Может просто белка? ;)


Если почитать эту газетенку дальше в этом мнении можно только убедиться:

New Russian weapons coming to areas near Finland

Sergei Ivanov, Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister for the Russian Federation, told on Wednesday the Russian Duma - the federation's legislative body - about plans to spend billions of roubles to modernise the nation's armed forces in the coming years.
The effects of Russia's ambitious weapons programme will inevitably be felt in the areas near Finland. This is the estimate of Dr. Markku Salomaa, chairman of the Foundation for Foreign Policy Research.

The motives behind Ivanov's speech have since been a cause of much speculation.In the media, one possible explanation offered for Ivanov's reaction is as a countermeasure against the American missile defence system undertaking. Another reason may be the gradually warming presidential election campaigning. Ivanov is seen as one of the two strong figures possibly worthy of consideration as the Kremlin candidates to follow the current President Vladimir Putin.

"Russia's northern (Leningrad) military district is a first line military district and will therefore be among the first to receive the first line weaponry as well", says Salomaa, who has familiarised himself with the development of the Russian armed forces.
The emphasis in the northern military district is on the air force and air defence systems. At the moment the district does not have any strike aircraft, but according to Salomaa this deficiency will be rectified in the next few years.
"On the 15th of December, the first two Suhoi-34 fighter-bombers rolled out of the factory. The aim is to manufacture 200 of them, 58 of which will be situated in the northern district."
"I believe it is clear that some of the new SS-26 "Stone" missiles will also be placed in the northern district", Salomaa continues. The SS-26s can be armed with conventional as well as nuclear warheads, and their maximum range is over 500 kilometres.

In the Baltic region, Russia now has several economically vital targets, such as the Primorsk oil terminal, the Sosnovyi Bor nuclear power plant, and the newly planned underwater gas pipeline. Additional projects for the near future include the expansion of the Primorsk harbour, and the building of a liquid gas terminal at the eastern end of the Gulf of Finland.
The underwater gas pipe, in particular, is expected to increase the Russian military presence in the Baltic Sea. According to information obtained by the Finnish Ministry of Defence, the Russian submarine fleet will quadruple at the very least in the next few years.
According to Salomaa, Russia has currently three submarines operating in the Baltic Sea, two of which are continuously at sea, while one is being serviced.
Salomaa cautions against overestimating the importance of defending the energy sector. The primary mission of the Russian fleet in the Baltic is still safeguarding the Kaliningrad enclave.

Major Juha Mäkelä of the Finnish National Defence University points out that Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov has repeatedly emphasised the importance of nuclear weapons in the Russian arms programme. Mäkelä sees the development as worrying, particularly from the point of view of Russian-American relations.
Mäkelä also notes that talks of blocking ballistic missiles have an indirect effect on Finland as well. "Russia has an important radar base near St. Petersburg", he explains.
"As Russia's aim is to elevate the effectiveness of its military forces beyond that of the former Soviet Union machinery, then surely that is important", Mäkelä concludes.

Helsingin Sanomat


Прошу не судить строго за избыточное цитирование в предыдущих постах - был неправ, погорячился, но исправить уже не могу...

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AGRESSOR> Неужто современные гидроакустические средства могут так точно измерять габариты объекта? Тем более таких крохотных - 30 см. Что-то плохо верится.
Так вроде даже те что для рыбаков-любителей могут.
БПК =Скорый= 79-82 г.


Gong> Так вроде даже те что для рыбаков-любителей могут.

Размеры? Нет. Просто сам факт наличия рыбы в некой точке.
RU Полл #21.04.2009 08:58  @AGRESSOR#21.04.2009 03:51


"Оценочный размер рыбы" современные рыболовные 3D гидролокаторы определяют. По крайней мере - стараются. :)
По амплитуде отраженного сигнала с учетом замерянной дальности, как я понимаю.

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