Пока не подтверждено, но...
At 5pm PST yesterday afternoon, a series of papers from the Kepler team were released on astro-ph. These include the Borucki et al. overview of the full data set from the first four months of observation, as well as articles that delve more deeply into the results. It’s hard to know quite where to begin. In a field that’s seen more than its share of hype and hyperbole, these papers and the accompanying data represent a watershed. The most interesting facets of the galactic planetary census can now be downloaded onto your hard drive — either in the form of raw light curves or as a ready-mixed compilation of over a thousand planets.
// Дальше — oklo.org
http://oklo.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Screen-shot-2011-02-03-at-7.56.10-AM2.gif [can't download] The two middle planets (red and blue) in the configuration are participating in what are likely to be wide tadpole oscillations with respect to the equilateral equilibrium, like Hector chasing Patroclus around inside the Trojan Horse.
http://oklo.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Screen-shot-2011-02-03-at-9.55.24-AM.gif [can't download]
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// arxiv.org
5.3. KOI-730: A Multi-Resonant Candidate System
While few nearly exact mean motion resonances are evident in the sample of Kepler planetary candidates, one system stands out as exceptional: the periods of the four candidates in KOI-730 satisfy the ratio 6:4:4:3 to ∼ 1 part in 1000 or better. This system is the first to show evidence for extrasolar “Trojan” or co-orbital planets, which have been suggested to be theoretically possible (Laughlin & Chambers 2002; Go´zdziewski & Konacki 2006; Smith & Lissauer 2010). In Kepler data, the two co-orbital candidates began separated by ∼118◦, with the trailing candidate reducing the gap at the rate of ∼1◦ per month. The numerical integration (section 4) matching the periods and phases in B11, circular orbits, and nominal masses went unstable at 25 Myr, precipitated by a close encounter between the coorbital planets.
This system will be difficult to study because of the faintness of the target star (Kepler magnitude 15.34) and its location within the field which implies that it cannot be observed by Kepler during winter quarters (Q4, Q8, ...). Nonetheless, the remarkably commensurate period ratios of these four candidates give us strong confidence that they all will eventually be confirmed as planets. The dynamics of this class of planetary systems are analyzed by Fabrycky et al. (2011; in preparation), whose results further strengthen our confidence in these candidates.