hsm> И что пишут "правильные" источники о "high diving" целях? - Что это?
Это ПКР с высоким профилем полета. Сначала имитировали с помощью МА-31, потом не имитировали вовсе - после прекращения наших поставок, и до момента, пока не допилили Койот под этот профиль.
hsm> Можно ссылок что "имитировали эти "high diving supersonic" сначала с помощью МА-31, а теперь и Койот научили"?
В отличие от ваших баек про D-21D - можно, и даже нужно. Вот только незадача - быстрее 2.5 Махов, Койот на практике так и
не разогнали.
In the "high diver" profile, the target would again see launch with a Mk70 booster, but then climb to 15,000ft and cruise at M3-4 for 40km. In the terminal phase, the drone would perform a powered 80 degree dive onto the ship under test.
Supersonic “High-Diver” Target
The Russians have deployed a supersonic, high-altitude, anti-ship cruise missile
whose flight profile involves a powered dive to the target. The Russians also produce
an aerial target called the MA-31 that replicates the flight profile of the missile. Figure 7
gives the status of the MA-31.
The U.S. process to purchase these missiles is “stalled,” and the future of the
existing process is uncertain. The Russian bureaucracy is complex, and approval for
the sale has likely been influenced by the often-changing political climate between the
U.S. and Russia.
The Task Force supports our continuing attempts to purchase these vehicles, but
we saw no backup plan if our purchase efforts are unsuccessful. We have vehicles that
fly supersonically at high altitude (e.g., AQM-37C, see Appendix D); however, they
cannot execute a powered-dive, and that part of the trajectory is critical to realistic
testing. A backup plan is needed.