mikes>> Это отфотошопленное изображение "Алмаза"
matelot> и к тому же еще и "баян". Уже было в 2011 г
И 'баян', и фотошоп, и 'google' и еще что-то, ежели упустил...

The iron ship, 'Hesperus', 1777 tons, at anchor [iron ship, 1859 gross tons. ON68500, 262.2 x 39.7 x 23.5. Built 1873 (11) R Steele and Co. Greenock. Owners: J Anderson (Anderson,Anderson and Co.) registered London, sold 1890 to Devitt and Moore, sold in 1899 she became the Russian 'Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna' then British again as 'Silvana' and under that name was broken up at Genoa in the 1920s. As an Orient Line vessel she remained in the Adelaide trade almost without a break until sale in 1890 put her into the eastern coast trade as a training ship for cadets under Lord Brassey's scheme. After sale to the Russians she remained a training ship up to the time of the outbreak of WW1. In the Adelaide run she was always a favourite passenger ship and although not noted for speed was regarded as very comfortable and regular.
P.S. "для тех кто в лодке": на фото исправлена нижняя кромка портов, от миделя в корму, и еще пара мелких изъянов.