Н-12> так если не прямое преобразование, то можно предположить, что и штатовские реакторы вырабатывают пар, а откуда и зачем электрическая мощность реактора?
Н-12> да и не пишут они такого, вот цитата из вики :
Н-12> The S8G reactor was designed by General Electric for use on the Ohio-class submarines. The 220 MWth S8G reactor compartment for the Ohio submarines is 42 feet (13 m) in diameter, 55 feet (17 m) long and weights 2,750 tons
Судя по всему тут от источника зависит:
The S9G is a PWR built by General Electric with increased energy density, and new plant components, including a new steam generator design featuring improved corrosion resistance and a reduced life cycle cost.This reactor in the Virginia Class SSN-774 submarines is designed to operate for 33 years without refueling and last the expected 30 year design life of a typical submarine. It produces about 40,000 shaft horsepower, or about 30 MWth of power.
Reactor type Rated power
shaft horse power,
[shp] [MW]*
A2W 35,000 26.1
A4W/A1G 140,000 104.4
C1W 40,000 29.8
D2G 35,000 26.1
S5W 15,000 11.2
S5G 17,000 12.7
S6W 35,000 26.1
S8G 35,000 26.1
S9G 40,000 29.8