Виртуальный компьютерный музей. История компьютеров в СССР и за рубежом. Англо-русский компьютерный словарь. Вычисления в докомпьютерную эпоху. Технологии. Компьютерные игры. История развития электросвязи. История развития ПО.
// www.computer-museum.ru
Oblique Icebreaker Baltika - Ice trials on 19 March - 10 April 2015 Developed by Aker Arctic, the icebreaking rescue vessel Baltika is the first ship ever built with an asymmetric hull that allows her to break ice not only ahead and astern, but also sideways. In this way, the relatively small oblique icebreaker is capable of opening a wide channel in ice. Completed in 2014, the new icebreaker was scheduled to undergo full scale ice trials this winter in order to confirm the vessel´s performance.
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