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Согласно китайской Вики, на 2023 год:
The Southern Theater Command Navy is headquartered in Zhanjiang , Guangdong Province . The Southern Theater Command Navy has the Second Destroyer Squadron (stationed in Zhanjiang, Guangdong), the Ninth Destroyer Squadron (stationed in Sanya, Hainan), the 32nd Submarine Squadron, the 52nd Submarine Squadron, the 1st Marine Brigade, the 164th Marine Brigade, the Air Defense Brigade (stationed at the Sanya Aircraft Carrier Base), and the Yulin Support Base (deputy army level).
The Eastern Theater Command Navy is headquartered in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province . The Eastern Theater Command Navy has the 3rd Destroyer Squadron (stationed in Zhoushan, Zhejiang), the 6th Destroyer Squadron (stationed in Zhoushan, Zhejiang), the 16th Speedboat Squadron (stationed in Dinghai, Zhoushan, Zhejiang), the 22nd Submarine Squadron (stationed in Dache Island, Ningbo, Zhejiang), the 42nd Submarine Squadron (stationed in Xiangshan, Ningbo, Zhejiang), the 5th Landing Ship Squadron (stationed in Yangpu, Shanghai), a Marine Corps brigade, and the Fujian Base (deputy army level).
The Northern Theater Command Navy is headquartered in Qingdao, Shandong Province . The Northern Theater Command Navy has the First Destroyer Squadron (stationed in Qingdao), the Tenth Destroyer Squadron (stationed in Lushunkou, Dalian), the Second Submarine Squadron, the Twelfth Submarine Squadron, the Northern Theater Command Naval Aviation, the Nuclear Submarine Squadron (stationed in Qingdao and Xiaoping Island, Dalian), the 77th Brigade of the Marine Corps (formerly the Army Motorized Infantry), the Lushun Support Base (deputy army level), and the Qingdao Support Base (deputy army level).
As of August 2, 2023, at least three fighter brigades, two bomber regiments, three radar brigades, three air defense brigades and airport stations that originally belonged to the Chinese Navy have now been transferred to the Air Force.