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The British did not build that many escort carriers themselves, the bulk was built by the Americans and based upon various C3 type hulls (see this
list on Wikipedia)
The Americans also built two classes of escort carriers based upon the Maritime Commission T-3 tanker hull (Sangamon & Commencement Bay). The Casablanca Class was partially based upon a Maritime Commission design for a Troop Transport (P type)
On the Lloyd's site there are plans for some of the British ships, but not as escort carriers, only as merchant ship:
HMS Audicity was a converted (ex) German freighter called
HMS Activity later became
MS Breconshire (no plans)
HMS Preterio Castle was built as the liner
Pretoria Castle
I do have plans for various Merchant Aircraft Carriers with flight deck, all found on Lloyd's:
MAC's were no naval ships, but merchants with a mixed crew (military for flight operations and gunnery and civilians for all other tasks)