Team Finds Wreckage From OGrady Shoot-Down

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Team Finds Wreckage
From OGrady Shoot-Down

by Jim Mathews

05/02/00 02:26:30 PM U.S. EDT

Wreckage found by a de-mining team in the northwestern region of Bosnia and Herzegovina is from the Lockheed Martin F-16C flown by ex-USAF Capt. Scott O’Grady, shot down five years ago by Serbs during Operation Deny Flight, U.S. military officials say.

O’Grady became a worldwide (read American) figure shortly after being rescued by a U.S. Marine search team five days after the shoot-down.

The de-mining team found a few large pieces of wing and fuselage, but mostly smaller pieces, the Armed Forces News Service reported today. Officials at U.S. Air Forces in Europe headquarters at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, confirmed earlier teams’ findings on Friday. A survey team from the international Stabilization Force, or SFOR, arrived April 19 to secure and document the site. Two more teams followed, and identified the wreckage as coming from an F-16. USAFE officials then confirmed the plane was O’Grady’s.

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