Farnborough videos to download free!



You can download Farnborough-2000 videos at Farnborough - gethampshire in their video feeds section!


I was there and the Su-32FN was great...that thing is B-I-G! But by far the best (and the one that is missing in the downloads here) is the Su-26. This was the ONLY aircraft to get a cheer from the crowd....it was breath-taking...

One thing i will say though, the Russians there were seriously disappointing; i have NEVER seen such a dejected and depressed group in my life...they really did not look like they wanted to be there. They should have been actively encoraging people to view their products...by way of contrast the BAe people were dragging people into their booths and were always ready to answer questions. If the Russian Aerospace industry wants into the Euro market in a big was they need to be MUCH more active in promoting their product. They wanted in the free market, they need to learn free-market selling techniques. There is no doubting the quality of the product, but most people see the aftersales care as far too unstable to change...they are seriously lacking here. In the EU we develop customer-centric solutions...the RuAe industry will have to do the same.

The ONLY group who seem to getting this right (and alot were represented there) was Kazan Helicopters; they ARE migrating their product to that of the customer. There indoor display was designed to catch attention and LOOKED like they were there to do business...

...i left that day with my Greek friend, and we both said to each other that we felt sorry for the Russians their - it was as though they had already given up. No-one said the market economy was going to be easy, but you need to fight to be the last man standing and fight dirty (the US will use political power to get their sales across!)...

The really pity is that quality of the product is as good (and better in some areas than ours), but unless you can give the customers confidence to by, with the best aftersales - they will never buy. The whole week all we heard was the IndianAF Su-30s falling from the sky because of fuel problems...bad timing? or poor quality product?


[Редактировалось Zed (13-08-2000 в 21:47).]


My Greek friend had the camera...he'll be in the UK on about the 6th September...i will get them scanned for you then :)
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Do you have any Su-32FN pics for me?

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