국산 중거리 대공미사일 천궁 첫 실사격 등 2017 공군 방공유도탄 사격대회 풀영상 공군이 2017년 방공유도탄 사격대회를 개최했습니다. 방공유도탄사 예하 10개 부대의 장병 300여명이 참가한 가운데 적 항공기 침투상황을 가정해 패트리어트·미스트랄·발칸 등 대공화기 실사격 훈련을 실시했는데요 올해 사격대회에서는 국산 지대공유도미사일 천궁을 최초로 실사격해서 약 40km 떨어진 무인표적기에 명중했다고 합니다. 자세한 내용은 풀영상을 참고하세요
Watch Cheongung M-SAM cold-launch GIF by charlielee955 on Gfycat. Discover more Korea GIFs, Militarygfys GIFs, Missile GIFs, Republic of Korea GIFs, South Korea GIFs on Gfycat.
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Watch US Army SHORAD demonstration (Biho, Stryker, Iron Dome) GIF by charlielee955 on Gfycat. Discover more AMC GIFs, ATEC GIFs, Army Materiel Command GIFs, Army Test and Evaluation Command GIFs, Demonstration GIFs, M-SHORD GIFs, Maneuver Short Range Air Defense GIFs, Missile Test GIFs on Gfycat.
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Demonstration looks at short range aid defense A demonstration at White Sands Missile Range by the Maneuver Short Range Air Defense program allowed program officers to look at existing technology to help form the requirements for an interim solution to Army short range air defense while the Army develops a permanent system.
Watch PAC3MSE GIF by tehroot on Gfycat. Discover more militarygfys GIFs on Gfycat.
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패트리어트-3 요격 미사일의 최신형 패트리어트-3 MSE 시험사격 영상 패트리어트-3 대탄도 요격 미사일의 최신형 MSE 시험발사 영상입니다. 이 시험은 세번째 발사 테스트 과정과 실제 탄도탄 요격시험을 성공리에 마무리하는 과정을 담은 영상인데요 모의 표적탄은 주노(JUNO)라 불리며 탄도미사일과 유사한 비행을 한다고 합니다. PAC-3 MSE는 요격 고도가 기존 PAC-3(최대 20여㎞)의 2배인 40㎞에 이르고, 로켓 모터와 미사일 조종 날개 등을 개선해 명중률이 향상된 것이 특징입니다.
Watch GDLSMshorad GIF by tehroot on Gfycat. Discover more GIFS online at Gfycat.
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M SHORAD Demonstration General Dynamics Boeing System #TeamWSMR recently hosted demonstrations of several Maneuver - Short Range Air Defense Systems (M-SHORAD). Check out this video for a recap. Video by WSMR Optics Video editing by Gina Palombit
IFPC Inc 2-I launch of an AIM-9X Sidewinder Missile Test of the Indirect Fire Protection Capability, Increment 2 – Intercept (IFPC Inc 2-I) at White Sands Missile Range. This test saw the launch of an AIM-9X sidewinder missile against a unmanned aerial system (UAS) representative target using the Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System.
Та же установка, но уже запускает Tamir:
Tamir Firing from IFPC Inc 2-I Multi Mission Launcher The firing of a Tamir missile from the Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2-Intercept Multi Mission Launcher. The launch was part of a series of demonstration launches conducted in March and April of 2016.
И Hellfire:
IFPC Longbow vs Outlaw 25 March 2016 Video of the launch of a Longbow Hellfire Missile from the Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2 – Intercept (IFPC Inc 2-I) Multi Mission Launcher (MML). The MML is a truck mounted launch system currently in development and is designed to be capable of loading various interceptors, allowing soldier to select different interceptors for use against different threats.
JUNO vs PAC 3 A Patriot Advanced Capability Three Missile Segment Enhancement missile fired from White Sands Missile Range in the early morning Dec. 10. and intercepted a Juno target fired from Fort Wingate, New Mexico.
Фагот> С МВСВ-2006. Прикольная моделька "Водника" с ЗРК
Помню рядом демонстрировалась система поиска от этой установки своего рода ЛИДАР.
А вот ещё одна уникальная система была
Watch Bojové střelby - BALT 2017 GIF on Gfycat. Discover more 2K12 KUB GIFs, Armáda České republiky GIFs, AČR GIFs, Czech Army GIFs, Střelby Balt 2017 GIFs, bojové střelby GIFs, ministerstvo obrany GIFs, protiletadlový raketový komplex GIFs, raketové vojsko GIFs, raketový komplex GIFs on Gfycat.
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Bojové střelby - BALT 2017 Strakoničtí protiletadlovci sestřelovali nad Baltem vzdušné cíle. Vojáci 251. protiletadlového raketového oddílu ze Strakonic absolvovali v Polsku bojové střelby z protiletadlového raketového komplexu 2K12 KUB. Dvanácti raketami postupně zničili všechny cíle, jež byly nad Baltským mořem odpáleny z polských bombardovacích letounů Su-22.
Watch Roland Missile System GIF on Gfycat. Discover more Education, Euromissile-Hughes-Boeing., Raytheon-EADS, TheMilitaryConceptChannel GIFs on Gfycat
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Roland Missile System AMX-30-Short to medium range missile-surface to air-French/German Air Defence.