"Королева Маша" в девичестве пгт Лондон
Romanian navy frigate 'Regina Maria', formerly the HMS London (L), crosses with USS Vicksburg (R) during a NATO naval drill held on the Black See, off the coast of Constanta, Romania, 16 March 2015. NATO Standing Maritime Group-2 (SNMG-2), a multinational naval NATO forces group commanded by US Admiral Williamson held a multi-purpose war exercise, planned last year. The group is composed by frigates from Turkey, Italy, Canada and Romania, an US cruiser as commander ship, and a fuel tanker from Germany. Participant vessels are US cruiser USS Vicksburg, frigates HMCS Fredericton of Canada, TCG Turgutreis of Turkey, ITS Aliseo of Italy and auxiliary ship FGS Spessart from Germany. EPA/STR