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Стоимость полётов шаттлов
People arguing over shuttle costs on the net are usually arguing from different assumptions and do not describe their assumptions clearly, making it impossible to reach agreement. To demonstrate the difficulty, here are a range of flight cost figures differing by a factor of 35 and some of the assumptions behind them (all use 1992 constant dollars).
•$45 million - marginal cost of adding or removing one flight from the manifest in a given year.
•$414 million - NASA's average cost/flight, assuming planned flight rates are met and using current fiscal year data only.
•$1 billion - operational costs since 1983 spread over the actual number of flights.
•$900 million - $1.35 billion - total (including development) costs since the inception of the shuttle program, assuming 4 or 8 flights/year and operations ending in 2005 or 2010.
•$1.6 billion - total costs through 1992 spread over the actual number of flights through 1992.