
Israel announces successful test of anti-missile m




Israel announces successful test of anti-missile missile
AFP to My Yahoo!

JERUSALEM (AFP) - The Israeli army carried out a new test of a missile designed to shoot down ballistic missiles in flight, with the defence ministry confirming that the operation was successful.

http://us.news2.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/... [not image]
AFP/File Photo

The ministry said Tuesday that the missile, named Hetz (arrow) was fired from an aircraft and successfully intercepted and destroyed another missile which was similar to the Soviet-made Scud missiles that have been widely used in the region, notably by the ousted Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein (news - web sites).

The statement said the test, the 11th of the Hetz system to date, involved hitting an incoming missile at high altitude.

The Hetz programme was launched in 1988 as part of a US programme to develop an anti-missile defence system, nicknamed "Star Wars" after the film of that name.



said, 16.12.2003 14:05:16:
The ministry said Tuesday that the missile, named Hetz (arrow) was fired from an aircraft and successfully intercepted and destroyed another missile which was similar to the Soviet-made Scud missiles

Чегой-то с переводом, наверное, того..
Hetz с самолёта?!
Ну разве что с Галакси или Руслана или Мрия или как его там..
Ракета ПВО с самолёта это оригинально. Может ракеты от С-200 с Сушек начнём пулять, а?

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