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NASA Partners With U.S. Air Force to Study Common Rocket Propulsion Challenges
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., and the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center's Launch Systems Directorate in Los Angeles, Calif., are collaborating on the Space Launch System (SLS) Advanced Development NASA Research Announcement (NRA) to study an affordable, next-generation rocket engine.
NASA and the Air Force are interested in the outcome of a requirements study of the Affordable Upper Stage Engine Program (AUSEP) liquid rocket engine for use on upper stages of medium- and heavy-class launch vehicles, including the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) family of launch vehicles.
НАСА разрешило полет первого частного космического корабля Dragon к МКС. Запуск запланирован на 30 апреля. Начальник управления пилотируемых программ Роскосмоса Алексей Краснов пояснил РИА Новости, что российские представители присутствовали на предыдущем заседании комиссии, где обсуждалась программа стыковки. "Эта программа на данный момент не вызывает никаких возражений с российской стороны", - сказал собеседник агентства.
С 2006 года НАСА осуществляет программу, в рамках которой поощряются усилия частных фирм по созданию космических кораблей, способных доставлять грузы на околоземную орбиту и на МКС.
Dynetics and Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR) announced here today at the National Space Symposium a long-term partnership to compete for the NASA Space Launch System (SLS) Advanced Booster Engineering Demonstration and/or Risk Reduction (ABEDRR) procurement. Under this agreement, Dynetics and PWR are exclusive partners with respect to use of the proven Saturn V F-1 rocket engine technology.
Ron Ramos, PWR’s vice president for Exploration and Missile Defense, explained the proven technology of the team. He said, “We offer a domestic booster design that takes advantage of the flight-proven Apollo-Saturn F-1, still the most powerful U.S. liquid rocket engine ever flown. PWR is the only company to have returned a Saturn-era engine, the J-2X, to production. We bring unique lessons to the Advanced Booster cost and performance trades.”
The F-1 is ideally suited to the Advanced Booster, providing an ideal combination of high thrust-to-weight and reliability in a low-cost package, according to Cook and Ramos. “The high-cost non-recurring engineering typical of engine development was accomplished during the Apollo-Saturn program, and significant risks (e.g., turbopump design and combustion stability) were eliminated, so our team can focus on booster affordability rather than technical feasibility,” Cook said.
Газета Хантсвилльский ВестникЪ от 18.04 с.г. сообщает, что местная контора из этого заштатного и малоизвестного городишки - некая Dynetics совместно с некоей калифорнийской конторой PWR решили, помолясь, совместно побороться на конкурсе НАСА на инженерную демонстрацию новых бустеров для SLS. Мы предлагаем, заявил вице-президент PWR, сермяжный, родной и проверенный временем дизайн бустера, основанных на зарекомендовавших себя технологиях Apollo-Saturn F-1 (читай - в отличии от некоторых дешевыхкитайскихсоветских поделок, на которые в последнее время столь падки некоторые отечественные ракетостроители, не будем показывать пальцами на ULA).
Есть мнение, заявили рули обеих контор, что F-1 походу должен идеально подойти для новых бустеров НАСА.
NASA plans to award $200 million to multiple companies later this year for 30 months of design and risk reduction work on advanced booster concepts...
The 30-month performance period is expected to begin Oct. 1 and run through early 2015.
Cook, NASA's former manager of the scrapped Ares rocket program, said each of the two Dynetics boosters on an SLS mission would be propelled by a pair of kerosene-fueled F-1 engines.
"Each of those engines can get up to 1.8 million pounds of thrust," Cook said in an interview Wednesday. "This booster is a very simple, very standard booster. It's 18 feet in diameter. It uses the same attach points as the current five-segment solid rocket booster."
Rocketdyne delivered 98 production engines to NASA, of which 65 were launched.
Options include kerosene-fueled engines, and the attach points for solid- and liquid-fueled strap-ons probably will be different, Chilton says, noting that Boeing has submitted its own booster proposals for the risk-reduction contracts currently being selected at NASA.