Land Warrior technology development contracts let

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?? Serge Pod #09.03.2000 20:45

Serge Pod


Land Warrior technology development contracts let [not image]
9 March 2000

Exponent has received a follow-on contract from Computer Sciences Corporation to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2000, is valued at $20 million, of which Exponent expects to realise approximately $7 million in net revenues, to expand its work on Land Warrior, the US Army's program to equip the infantry soldier for the twenty-first century.

Land Warrior is an integrated fighting system for the dismounted soldier that incorporates computerised communication, navigation, targeting, and protection systems. Under the contract, Exponent will assist the US Army in incorporating commercial off-the-shelf technologies that meet the expectations and operational requirements of the soldier within the program budget and schedule. Exponent will also assist during training of soldiers and evaluation of this prototype system in war-fighting exercises scheduled for September 2000.

Over the past year, working with the U.S. Army's Communications-Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, and Project Manager (PM)-Soldier, the unit responsible for the Land Warrior program, Exponent identified off-the-shelf technologies that met operating goals and cost targets. Under the new contract, Exponent will incorporate these technologies into a prototype system suitable for a war-fighting exercise. The contract issued

Exponent has awarded a contract to Kaiser Electronics to design and develop a Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) and Daylight Video Sight (DVS) for Land Warrior Program.

The Helmet Mounted Display is a full color high resolution SBGA display, which can be used with standard Night Vision Goggles for night operations. A universal mounting design was developed to make the HMD compatible with the Modular/Integrated Communications Helmet (MICH) as well as Ballistic Laser Eye Protection (BLEPs) with minimal normal vision obstruction. The DVS is mounted to the soldier's weapon to enable targeting through the HMD.

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