AirbusHelicopters feels AS565 MBe Panther is just apt to be IndianNavy’s Naval Utility Helicopter
India’s shopping list for the Defence forces is long but this buying will happen only when the equipment is made in India. And the queue of the top foreign vendors to fulfil this need is long.
By Sangeeta Saxena Marignane, France. 10 December 2017. India’s shopping list for the Defence forces is long but this buying will happen only when the equipment is made in India. And the queue of the top foreign vendors to fulfil this need is long. Indian Navy which is on its
Кратко - индусы хотят покупать много всего, но с условием производства в индии.
Среди наиболее востребованных - морской многоцелевой вертолет.
По критерию "возможность нести 2 торпеды и пустить сразу обе, одну выше, другую ниже термоклина, по одной цели" - Пантера от эрбаса вне конкуренции.
Соответственно, собираются 16 заказать во франции, еще 95 - будут собраны в индии индийским партнером с передачей технологий и СП.
31 октября совет военной авиации индии подтвердил "признание необходимости" в 111 вертушках
Глава арбузовского подразделения признайт, что конкурс еще не окончен, а ТЗ позвляет и значительно более мелким машинам участвовать, но смотрит с оптимизмом в будущее.
далее - ТТХ машины.
The basic operating and maximum take-off weights of AS565 MBe are 2,406kg and 4,500kg respectively. The helicopter has a cargo hook capacity of 907kg, fuel capacity of 1,135l and sling load carrying capacity of 1,600kg. The helicopter features a glass cockpit equipped with a four-axis autopilot with two Rockwell Collins primary flight multi-functional displays, two MFD 255 navigational displays, one large mission display, and one dual vehicle and engine management display to provide flight information to the crew, featuring pilot and co-pilot seats with four-point shoulder harness. It has the capacity to carry 2pilots and 10 soldiers.
“The AS565 MBe is used on ships and from land bases, capable of carrying a variety of weapons. In addition to its own intercept and attack capabilities, it will be a “force multiplier” by providing over-the-horizon surface awareness and targeting to surface ships. It has an endurance of more than four hours at loiter speed, the AS565 MBe is an affordable alternative to other light/medium helicopters that are limited in their ability to perform its diverse range of naval missions.