The Russian Super Destroyer

GR LEONID BREZHNEV #20.04.2007 16:40



The project 22350 frigate is a complete zero. Is a tiny vessel with limited range. The Sovremmenyys p 956 needs replacement and the Udaloys have no weapons on it. This is the reality. I wish Ad. Masorin to understand that he has to modernize the Kirovs and to start to develop new destroyer of up to 8000t, with Brahmos (not Yakhonts), for antiship and Granat for long range land attack missions, and C-400 for extended area defence. Here is the only solution for the Russian surface fleet, a superderstoyer, that was projected in 1990s, but your friends Gorbatsev and Yeltsin never started:
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Есть очевидные траблы в компоновке, но рисунок ничего.



Ну, кто спорил насчет МЦК?



Видимо пропустил: ачто за МЦК?



А вчера в теме о РКР Snake> Спорим, Брежнев КАДовскую картинку МЦК запостит ;)
Ну вот и сбылось. А рисунок это взят из книги Кузина. В теме по 20380 его обсуждали.
UA Dmitriy Stogniy #21.04.2007 23:20  @LEONID BREZHNEV#20.04.2007 16:40
L.B.> AU:
L.B.> The project 22350 frigate is a complete zero. Is a tiny vessel with limited range. The Sovremmenyys p 956 needs replacement and the Udaloys have no weapons on it. This is the reality. I wish Ad. Masorin to understand that he has to modernize the Kirovs and to start to develop new destroyer of up to 8000t, with Brahmos (not Yakhonts), for antiship and Granat for long range land attack missions, and C-400 for extended area defence. Here is the only solution for the Russian surface fleet, a superderstoyer, that was projected in 1990s, but your friends Gorbatsev and Yeltsin never started:

Боюсь, что господин Масорин поймет это только тогда, когда его начнут нежно постукивать по спине прикладом автоматической винтовки М-16...
А кто вам сказал, что в 2017 году мы уйдем из Севастополя?  
RU Denis KA #22.04.2007 00:21  @LEONID BREZHNEV#20.04.2007 16:40

Denis KA


Вот здесь про него немного есть.

Каков будет будущий российский эсминец?

В двух словах: каждый корабль создается по своему прототипу, один является развитием старого проекта, а другой пытается повторить аналог чужого удачного проекта, так очевидно и МЦК пр. 11000 создавался по своему прототипу крейсеру «Банкер Хил». Задача очевидно была сделать тоже но лучше, на рисунке очевидно один из первых эскизов перспективного корабля.
GR LEONID BREZHNEV #26.04.2007 17:04


For you lovely President Boris Eltsin:

R.I.P.: Rest in Peace, but during his prezidency he made not just mistakes but crimes against the Russian people, and the Russian Federation. Free Market economy is not Anarchy, and Eltsin's era in 90's was the era of corruption and anarchy not of free market economy. Only one grate thing that he made at the end is that he brought in power this Great Leader: Vladimir Vladimirovits Putin. I wish Putin to has 3rd term ( he denies it) or to be next president :Sergei Borishovits Ivanov. Ivanov is the best.

Back to our issue... Believe it or not my friends the photo that I posted is Not from
Каков будет будущий российский эсминец? / Форумы Balancer`а

but I find it in 1995 or 1996 Janes as an intention of Russian navy to built a new missile cruiser or missile destroyer with VLS systems as the US ticoderoga and Arleigh Burge AEGIS vessels. The janes was underlined that the project is too doubtlfull because of complete lack of money. Shortly the project cancelled. Also I find some informarion in, in which they mentioned that the cruiser or the destroyer project would be more "armed " than the rocket cruisers in soviet practice! All the information about МЦК in both Janes and HazeGray were totaly removed in 1997 because was cancelled. As for the project 1157 missile cruiser, this is a fake, this is a Chinese multimedia fantastic project, and there is no Soviet or Russian cancelled project 1157. Fianlly the Alexander Nevski missile cruiser project in page 5 of Каков будет будущий российский эсминец? is fantastic and not real project. Fianaly I want to ask if any one knows any details of the future russian missile destroyer DDG. The line drawing in page 6 of the same topic is a plan of future russian destroyer or the plan and variant design of 22350 frigate??
GR LEONID BREZHNEV #28.04.2007 15:18


Does anyone has any newer line drawing or images of project 22350 frigate?
Это сообщение редактировалось 28.04.2007 в 15:25



The newest I've seen is the one posted by AlexNAVY here критика пр.20380
which is the export variant.
GR LEONID BREZHNEV #30.04.2007 22:34


Does anyone knows how many Yakhonts the project 22350 will carry? 4,8 or 16? Also does any one knows any detailes about the new russian destroyer that is under development? Will be like US Arleigh Burge class? Like МЦК?



The educated guess is for 16 Onixes. As for the destroyer sadly Russian military suffer from paranoid secrecy so no one says anything. Anyway if and when it is build is still long way off.
GR LEONID BREZHNEV #01.05.2007 20:16


I dont understand why such tiny and coastal frigate like the 22350 is so "secret" I mean that is just a frigate, is not SSBN, or a missile cruiser, just a 4000t frigate.Also I want to ask what is this? Is the 22350 or something else?
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Это сообщение редактировалось 01.05.2007 в 20:30


22350 is not coastal fregat. He's ocean area ship. 22350 is mini destroyer.)
"Первая мировая вырвала из капитализма одну страну , Вторая освободила целый социалистический лагерь, а третья окончательно утвердит победу пролетариата во всем мире." И.В. Сталин.  
GR LEONID BREZHNEV #02.05.2007 21:31


My question is differrent: I asked which of the below images is the correct 22350?

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GR LEONID BREZHNEV #02.05.2007 21:33
GR LEONID BREZHNEV #02.05.2007 21:50


I forgot to say that the 22350 is not "mini" destroyer because has very small displacement (4000t) and length only 130m. Mini destroyers are vessels as the Spanish FFG F-100 of 6500t, the French FREMM & FREDDA of 6000t and the German F-134 of 6500t, The 22350 is an ordinary frigate with no something special.

Finally what is THIS??? The new Russian Destroyer? I wish to be this:
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Dear comrad LEONID BREZHNEV !) It's TOP Secret information .(about 22350) So we can't say what's picture is true. Small French and Spanish destroyers hasn't missels like "Yahont".
"Первая мировая вырвала из капитализма одну страну , Вторая освободила целый социалистический лагерь, а третья окончательно утвердит победу пролетариата во всем мире." И.В. Сталин.  
GR LEONID BREZHNEV #03.05.2007 15:30


Dear Neddy:

The reality is that the 22350 is NOT top secret. I will explain you why. Top secret means that the vessel is unique, because carries new missiles that is unknown in other countries. I study the Russian navy more than 12 years, and I know what means Top secret. When in 1980 the first project 1144 was joined the fleet no one in west knew anything about that, and they made "Guesswork", You should see in Jane's of 1979 images of Kirov, in which had nothing to do with the real.If you see those images of 1979 you would laughing whithout stopping!!! Why Kirov was unique and Top secret?? For 2 reasons. Firstly, because was armed with the completely new GRANIT Π-700 missile -some idiots in west believed that is modernized version of Π-500 Bazalt!-and secondly because was the first surface vessel in the world which had all the weapons in VLS. (The US VLS system introduced in 1987). The Granit missile was TOP secret because No any other country out of Russia has this missile. Granit NEVER EXPORTED. That's why. This is not the same with the project 22350 and with Onyx missile, because both of them are FOR EXPORT.The Yakhont missile is already overcomed by the better Brahmoc. Brahmoc, has 100kg heavier warhead and land attack capabitlity. Brahmoc is the Indian version of Yakhont. So obviously the Yakhont technology is shared to India. Also don't forget that the 22350 frigate is being offered to india for export.:
So how can be TOP secret a vessel that is offered for export and how is possible a missile like Yakhont -I accept that Yakhont is much better than western missiles like harpoon- to be Unique at the same time that is already operating in Indian navy as Brahmoc!?
It is very simple what I say, I don't know why no one here don't accepted. Russian navy alongside with Yakhont and projects 22350 &20380 needs a destroyer or a cruiser sized stealthy vessel with displacement of 8000-10000t, which would carry missiles that are not for export (ie improved Granit). And this vessel would be only for Russian navy and NOT for export. I will bring you an excample my frind: The navy needs a vessel so unique like the pr 1144 -not at that size- or the DD(X) And one question is any possibility vessels like Project 1144 or DD(X) to be expoted? OFCOURCE NOT!


Не, лично я ничего не имею против, но форум все-таки русскоязычный, по крайней мере выглядит именно так. Может кто-нибудь переведет вышесказанное? :-)
GR LEONID BREZHNEV #03.05.2007 17:48


несчастливо я греческ я не говорю русский язык. I am terribly sorry.


au> Rayak:
au> Вы модератор?

Нет, насколько я понимаю - это как раз задача модератора (в т.ч. и Ваша) - чтобы ВСЕ участники данного ресурса могли понимать, о чем идет речь. А завтра кто-нибудь будет общаться по-итальянски или на иврите и что? И не надо предлагать учить английский (немецкий, японский и т.п.).
ИМХО это неуважение к русскоязычному обществу на русскоязычном форуме.



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Не скажу ,что во всем согласен с Райаком , однакоже ,в виде просьбы, просьбы ! попросил камрадов знающих англицкий оч. хорошо перевели бы некоторые моменты из речи ув. тов. Леонида Ильича!)
"Первая мировая вырвала из капитализма одну страну , Вторая освободила целый социалистический лагерь, а третья окончательно утвердит победу пролетариата во всем мире." И.В. Сталин.  

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