Retvizan> посмотрел в Вики. судя по таблице они каждый эсминец за 2 года ваяли? хм... как-то подозрительно быстро. так даже европейцы фрегаты не строят. а можно где-нибудь почитать экспертные оценки этих эсминцев?
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I am not sure if there will be a total of 12 052D's. The consensus so far seems to be 8 total, 6 from JN and 2 from DL.
I am not sure what types of missiles will be carried and launched by the VLS. So far, only HHQ9B and YJ18A seem confirmed. I am hoping at least also includes the rocket-propelled torpedo (Yu-8) like those on 054A. the land attack cruise missile and 4-in-1 medium SAM are just theory to me.
In that sense, YJ-18A and HHQ-9B are also theories. And no, that article you saw to me is not official.
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In my last blog entry, I looked over the future of PLAN surface combatant fleet. Part of the reason I did that is the emergency of the new Type 055 cruiser. For any future PLAN carrier group or expeditionary strike group, Type 052D will be expected as important escorts even with Type 055 in the fold. What roles can Type 052D and how will it be utilized by PLAN? If we look at Type 052D’s ancestors Type 052C, we have a surface combatant that is clearly designed to provide area air defense. It is the first modern Chinese AAW ship that has advanced multi-functional radar system with Active guided long range SAM along with relative modern combat system.
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