Cuando los americanos llegaron a Vietnam y comenzaron a operar en el Delta del Mekong ya habían tomado buena nota de la anterior experiencia francesa durante la funesta guerra de Indochina (1946-19...
Updated 09/01/2005: added Army-operated riverine craft
LCT Mk.4 (Landing Craft Tank, Mark 4) [ Top ]
This large British landing craft was the workhorse of the Navy's river transport force and saw constant use, mainly in Tonkin. They were often referred simply as "long LCTs" as opposed to the shorter American LCT (6). Whether carrying men, vehicles and supplies during major operations or building materials to establish new river outposts, these boats were found to be well adapted to local conditions and became very popular.
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(1 - 24 of 48) 1 2 next › last » na010279 Guy Vaughan riding on Stearns float, 1909 New York automobile carnival na010248 Goodrich tires float, 1909 New York automobile carnival na010328 Parade float featuring Matheson display, 1909 New York automobile carnival na010317 Desbron float, 1909 New York automobile carnival na010308 Annette Kellerman riding on Buick float, 1909 New York automobile carnival na010309 Desbron float, 1909 New York automobile carnival na010274…
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Роберт Холл (1867 - 1949) был орнитологом. Его основной экспедицией за пределами Австралии стала поездка с Ричардом Эрнестом Требилкоком в Сибирь, через Японию и…
Фото достаточно широко известно, на нём изображены десантные роты из экипажей Первой Тихоокеанской эскадры в Порт-Артуре. Справа стоит ЭБР "Севастополь", за ним…