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sam7> Седов 2002 Мальта

Художник Антонио Джоли - "Вид на порт Карла де Бурбона с моря"
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kkg1960> Спасибо. Со временем всё меняется. Пришло время, и ключевые вопросы "Что на голове и что в правой руке Венеры Вечерней?" нашли свои ответы.

Австралийская газета "Adelaide Observer" от 16 мая 1874 г. поместила статью с описанием восхищения которое вызвало у 'визитеров' посещение нового судна - «HESPERUS».
В этой статье есть упоминание о носовой фигуре судна:
The sides are painted black, with a white port streak, and the cutwater is surmounted by a demi-figure of a full grown Hesperide.
Из которого явствует, что все предыдущие претендентки (Венера, Эос/Аврора) получили отставку. :D
Фигура изображает девицу - одну из трех Хесперид (нимф, хранительниц дерева с золотыми яблоками). Вероятно, и в руке она держит ветвь с золотым яблоком (или яблоками) - источником золотого света на закате. (Впрочем, о том, что в руках девицы статья умалчивает).

THE HESPERIDES were the goddesses of the evening and golden light of sunset. The three nymphs were daughters of either Nyx (Night) or the heaven-bearing Titan Atlas. They were entrusted with the care of the tree of the golden apples which was first presented to the goddess Hera by Gaia (Earth) on her wedding day. They were assisted in their task by a hundred-headed guardian drakon named Ladon. Herakles was sent to fetch the apples as one of his twelve labours, and upon slaying the serpent, stole the precious fruit. However, Athena later returned them to the Hesperides.
The Hesperides were also the keepers of other treasures of the god.

Хеспериды - богини вечера и золотого света заката. Три нимфы являлись дочерьми одного первородного бога ночи Nyx (-a) и небесного бога Atlas (-a) - возглавившего восстание Титанов против Зевса. На них было возложено попечительство и охрана древа с золотыми яблоками, которое изначально было подарено богине Неra в день ее замужества первородным божеством - GAIA (или Gaea - Земля). Нимфам в их задаче помогал сто-головый дракон - Ladon. Herakles, как один из их 12 служителей, был послан достать желанные яблоки и убив змея похитил драгоценные плоды. Однако, богиня Athena впоследствии возвратила яблоки Хесперидам.
Хеспериды были также хранительницами других сокровищ бога.

The three nymphs and their golden apples were apparently regarded as the source of the golden light of sunset, a phenomena celebrating the bridal of the heavenly gods Zeus and Hera.

три нимфы и их золотые яблоки, вероятно, олицетворяли источник золотого света заката, как символ брака небесных богов Зевса и Геры.

Подробности см. здесь:

HESPERIDES : Greek goddesses of the evening & sunsets ; mythology ; pictures

Hesperides & the golden-apple tree, Athenian red-figure hydria C5th B.C., British Museum THE HESPERIDES were the goddesses of the evening and golden light of sunset. The three nymphs were daughters of either Nyx (Night) or the heaven-bearing Titan Atlas. They were entrusted with the care of the tree of the golden apples which was first presented to the goddess Hera by Gaia (Earth) on her wedding day. They were assisted in their task by a hundred-headed guardian drakon named Ladon. Herakles was sent to fetch the apples as one of his twelve labours, and upon slaying the serpent, stole the precious fruit. // Дальше — www.theoi.com

Sky & Weather Gods of Greek Mythology THEOI.COM

Sky & Weather Gods of Greek Mythology : Helius, Selene, Eos, Boreas, Zephyrus, Hesperus, Atlas, Horae, Hesperides, Zeus, Hera, Nyx, Hemera, Uranus, etc // www.theoi.com

Hercules in the garden of the Hesperides, plaque
(Геркулес в сaду Хесперид, декорированная пластина):

Полный текст статьи о посещении клипера «HESPERUS» в Аделаиде см. ниже:

VISIT TO THE HESPERUS. - Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904) - 16 май 1874

Early on Monday a start was made from the Semaphore Jetty to inspect Captain Legoe's new ship. The wind was about west as we headed off, and even on leaving ... // trove.nla.gov.au

"VISIT TO THE HESPERUS. - Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904) - 16 May 1874.":
Early on Monday a start was made from the Semaphore Jetty to inspect Captain Legoe's a new ship. The wind was about west as we headed off, and even on leaving the pier the fine proportions of the ship loomed up as she rode as quietly as if in harbour. Having a good scope of chain she veered a good deal; but her rise and fall were scarcely perceptible. She is built of extra stout plates, and being of 1,777 tons register, will, in the event of her loading here, take an immense cargo of wool. To the common observer she looks graceful enough; but no one would imagine her to be of such great burden unless he boarded, and then the dimensions of the spars and gear are apparent. The mainmast, in accordance with modern arrangements, is an iron tube 86 feet long and 2 feet 8 inches in diameter; then the topmast, topgallant-mast, royal skysail and pole together send the main track 160 feet towards the clouds. The bowsprit is 2 feet 9 inches in diameter and 26 feet long, and on the end are carried a jib boom and flying boom of great wooden spars. The square of her yards may be imagined when it is stated that the main and foremast are furnished with spars of precisely the same length. Thus main and foreyards are 89 feet, by a diameter of 22 inches at the truss. The lower topgallant-yards are 61 feet 8 inches, the royals 43 feet, and the skysail-yards 32 feet 6 inches. She has a long fine line entrance, with deep undercut run, giving a clean delivery aft. The vessel has a nice sheer, and the adornments of her hull set her off to great advantage. The sides are painted black, with a white port streak, and the cutwater is surmounted by a demi-figure of a full grown Hesperide. On a line with the tween decks are pierced fine circular ports for ventilation, and in the poop they are of extra size. The feature of striking interest on boarding is a spacious, well-appointed promenade, 80 feet long, extending from the ensign staff close to the main rigging. The skylights, companions, and deck gear are of worked teak, and on stepping over to the main deck a pretty view Is obtained of the cabin front, which is embellished with gilt work and varnished mouldings. The interior of the saloon is in excellent taste, there being seen a skilful adoption of various woods. Teak, rose wood, oak, and maple, with Dantzic Fir and walnut, are placed together in excellent contrast. The pilasters are surmounted by gilt Corinthian capitals, and the ceiling is white, with gold mouldings. The centre has a long telescope table, and overhead an admirable skylight has swinging trays and lamps. Differing from most modern ships, the stem is devoted to two spacious cabins, with a ladies' bathroom contiguous: The fittings and upholstery are choice, and voyagers must be fastidious if not satisfied with such quarters as are provided. The bed berths are so constructed as to be made single or double by a neat contrivance. In every detail the saloon, staterooms, and appointments are nearly complete. The gourmand will be delighted to observe that attention is devoted to the buffet, which is in the charge of a first-rate steward, who has already served in the Darra, of the same line of ships. Abaft the mainmast is the next deckhouse, which properly belongs to the officers, but under, the emigrant regime has been made into a dispensary. In the immense deck room a house or two seems of small importance, so before the main hatchway is another built of teak, in keeping with the surroundings. Here are the realms of the chef de cuisine, one .being set apart for the ship's company and the saloon passengers, and the other for the emigrants. Pots, coppers, and boilers here would reign supreme, but that in one corner there is a neat engine by Chaplin. It is of eight horse-power, and its duties are those of a general slave without grumbling. Sometimes it has to heave up an anchor or take a pull at the topsail haulyards; if a shroud needed setting up, this appliance is at the service of Mr. Begg ; if the ship wanted pumping out, which she never yet-has done from leakage, the engine is in use; and, finally, it drives a powerful steam-winch to discharge the cargo. Attached to the cook's galley is a condenser capable of working off 40 gallons of fresh water per hour. This is when in full blast, but on the passage it was seldom required, because of the great sea stock carried. Under the same roof is the second cabin, which is at present occupied by youngsters. A large dining cabin and several commodious staterooms are here fitted with a due regard to comfort The forecastle deck is as long as many a thousand-ton ship's poop, and in addition to covering the tars' quarters it has below a fine Emmerson and Walker's windlass, one of those contrivances which saves the ship's owners money by doing away with much manual labour. No person touches the cable except perhaps a couple in the chain-tier to see it stowed. On board there are nine excellent boats. Two on the quarter davits are lifeboats fitted with Clifford's patent lowering apparatus, which, however, the captain has condemned as useless. On the main skids are four boats, and on the fore deckhouse three, one of which is a dockyard cutter. A descent to the lower regions through the fore-hatchway shows a fine roomy compartment occupied by 115 single men. It is a matter for regret that the emigration officials under the new system have not recognized the propriety of putting the single men in hammocks—a course which would not only afford more space, but would be conducive to cleanliness. There appeared to be a lot of useful hands, who at the early hour of the visit were scrubbing and cleaning according to the customary routine. The shifting tables, bunk-boards, members, mess-kids, and all sorts of utensils were as clean as possible. The main hatch compartment of the tweendecks was larger than the before-mentioned space, but of the same height, there being eight feet clear from deck to deck. The children here appeared to be legion, of all sizes, sorts, ages, and both sexes. Hard-handed sons of toil with their wives and daughters were looking as happy as if their new home had been explored and found equal to the anticipation. It was gratifying to observe the master, as he passed along through the family groups, interchanging friendly words with each. In this compartment were 233 souls, and although the examination was on a close, murky morning, the place looked thoroughly clean. In yet another space 67 single females seemed ready to take situations early. Apparently the domestic servant difficulty should be partly solved. Dr. Duncan was early in attendance to muster the people, and arrangements were made to land the single females by the Sophia on Tuesday. The Commissioner, it is stated, has given instructions that no single females are to be hired before they have been transported to the depot. The Hesperus, as she lies at the Bell Buoy, is one of the handsomest, if not the finest ship ever seen there, and when painted and in harbour trim Captain Legoe may well be proud of his craft.
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«HESPERUS»_c. 1880-s.jpg (скачать) [2576x1521, 2,2 МБ]
Это сообщение редактировалось 27.04.2016 в 02:01



«SILVANA» бывший «HESPERUS», фото после 1921 г.
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viter59> Художник Антонио Джоли - "Вид на порт Карла де Бурбона с моря"

Правильнее так: Флот Карла III покидает Неаполь 1759 г ;)



MVM> Sailing Ships: "Cutty Sark" (1869)
MVM> «CUTTY SARK» by D. Swan - красиво.
Красиво или нет - не знаю, но кажется фантастически не реальным. Или как?



MVM>> Sailing Ships: "Cutty Sark" (1869)
MVM>> «CUTTY SARK» by D. Swan - красиво.
Aurum> Красиво или нет - не знаю, но кажется фантастически не реальным. Или как?

Парусный флот [kkg1960#15.02.16 04:05]

… 1916г. п-т Кейптаун. После рейса в "ревущих сороковых" осталась только фок-мачта.// Морской

Да извинит меня, ув.(kkg) за этот 'копи-паст' :)



MVM> ...Herzogin Cecilie...
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MVM>> ...Herzogin Cecilie...
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2.jpg (скачать) [3708x2649, 1,6 МБ]



MVM>>> ...Herzogin Cecilie...
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MVM>>>> ...Herzogin Cecilie...
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MVM>>>>> ...Herzogin Cecilie...
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MVM>>>>>> ...Herzogin Cecilie...
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MVM>>>>>>> ...Herzogin Cecilie...
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MVM>>>>>>>> ...Herzogin Cecilie...
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MVM>>>>>>>>> ...Herzogin Cecilie...
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MVM>>>>>>>>>> ...Herzogin Cecilie...
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«HERZOGIN CECILIE»_c.jpg (скачать) [3809x2723, 2,3 МБ]



Sailing Ships: "Herzogin Cecilie" (1902)

A four-masted steel barque built in 1902 by Rickmers AG, Bremerhaven, for Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen, as a sail training ship. Her dimensions were 95'72×14,02×7,21 meters. Lloyd's Register 1903: 314'1×46'0×23'8", 3242 GRT, 2786 NRT and under deck 2672 tons. Lloyd's Register 1935: 344'8×46'3×24'2", 3111 GRT, 2584 NRT and under deck 2672 tons. Pictures: At sea . Updated 1998-10-06 by Lars Bruzelius. Sjöhistoriska Samfundet | The Maritime History Virtual Archives | Ships | Four-masted ships & barques | Search. // Дальше — www.bruzelius.info

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«HERZOGIN CECILIE»-art.jpg (скачать) [2576x2257, 1,01 МБ]
Это сообщение редактировалось 30.04.2016 в 19:03



«WAIMATE» у нового причала в порту Adelaide. Великолепный клипер со стальным корпусом был построен на верфи Blumer's Yard, находившейся в г. Sunderland в 1874 г и считался № 1 среди флота судов принадлежавших новозеландским судоходным компаниям. Безукоризненно прослужив своим владельцам 22 года и снискав славу под новозеландским флагом, судно в 1896 г. было продано русскому судовладельцу и переименовано в «VALKYRIAN». К сожалению, в 1899 г. судно вышло из австралийского порта Newcastle (штат Новый Южный Уэльс) с грузом угля и c назначение на чилийский порт Iquique, в порт назначения не прибыло; более вестей о нем не поступало.

Оригинал текста:
New dock, Port Adelaide with the "Waimate" at anchor. A fine iron clipper, she was launched from Blumer's Yard at Sunderland in 1874, and was considered the number one ship of the New Zealand Shipping Company's fleet. After a distinguished career she was sold in 1896 to the Russians and renamed Valkyrian. Sadly, in 1899 she sailed from Newcastle, N.S.W., with a coal cargo for Iquique, Chile, and was never heard of again.

Снимок 1889 года.

The Photograph is a part of A.D. Edwardes Collection
by the courtesy of State Library of South Australia.
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Это сообщение редактировалось 25.04.2016 в 00:08



MVM>>>>>>> ...Herzogin Cecilie...
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Это сообщение редактировалось 25.04.2016 в 01:01



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DE vmart2005 #25.04.2016 12:32



С "Водного транспорта".
Калининградская область, Светлый
Плавдок ООО "Судоремонт-Запад".
Автор: Dmitry Tet.
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MVM>>>>>>>> ...Herzogin Cecilie...

Фото Сисилии

Category:Herzogin Cecilie (ship, 1902) - Wikimedia Commons

The following 21 files are in this category, out of 21 total. // commons.wikimedia.org


"Дар Молодежи" в Бремерхафене
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