Elon Musk
Can't wait to see all three cores of Falcon Heavy come back for landings! First two will be almost simultaneous. orlandosentinel.com/news/space/go-…
1:23 - 19 июл. 2016 г.
Elon Musk
Really tempting to redesign upper stage for return too (Falcon Heavy has enough power), but prob best to stay focused on the Mars rocket
1:28 - 19 июл. 2016 г.
Desch continued, "Next week we will start shipping the first of our ten Iridium NEXT satellites to Vandenberg Air Force Base for first launch. We now anticipate a first launch date with SpaceX of September 19th at 9:49pm PDT. With a second launch planned for December, we expect all seven launches with SpaceX to be completed by the end of 2017. This is a particularly exciting time for our employees, partners and investors as over seven years of planning and coordination usher in a new era of satellite services for Iridium and its global customers."
Keith WallaceSpaceX
6 ч ·
Falcon test at Space X McGregor 5pm CDT 8.5.2016
Jeff Foust
12 ч
Shotwell on Falcon Heavy: “sorry we’re late” on it; harder problem to develop than we thought. #smallsat
Jeff Foust
Shotwell: “a lot of interest” from customers on flying on reused Falcon 9. May fly two of them this year. #smallsat
20:12 - 9 авг. 2016 г.
code text
Elon Musk @elonmusk 21 мин.21 минуту назад Elon Musk Ретвитнул(а) SES Thanks for the longstanding faith in SpaceX. We very much look forward to doing this milestone flight with you. SES @SES_Satellites SES-10 will #launch on @SpaceX flight-proven Falcon-9 rocket http://ow.ly/rKO7303Ivkj #BeamsOnLATAM
Компания SpaceX, ракета которой неделю назад взорвалась на стартовой площадке, не будет проводить пуски космических аппаратов еще от 9 до 12 месяцев, заявил Тори Бруно, глава конкурирующей корпорации United Launch Alliance (ULA), передаёт Reuters.
По мнению главы ULA, именно такое время займет у руководства SpaceX расследование инцидента.
"Типичная ситуация, когда возвращение к пускам занимает от девяти до 12 месяцев. Об этом говорит история (таких инцидентов)", - сообщил Бруно.
Peter B. de Selding
@ pbdes
3 ч
SpaceX President Shotwell: We anticipate return to flight in November, meaning down for three months. Next flight from CCAFS, then to VAFB.
Benji Reed of SpaceX says to drive by company HQ in Hawthorne to see landed F9 booster. “It’s a lot bigger than you think.” #AIAASpace
— Jeff Foust (@jeff_foust) September 14, 2016
Reed: going through lot of testing on Crew Dragon, including parachutes, capsule qualification, design closeouts. #AIAASpace
— Jeff Foust (@jeff_foust) September 14, 2016
Reed didn’t give any specific schedules for Crew Dragon demo missions, which likely in flux anyway. #AIAASpace
— Jeff Foust (@jeff_foust) September 14, 2016
Reed also says “we’ll fly when we’re ready” but gives no dates. #AIAASpace
— Jeff Foust (@jeff_foust) September 14, 2016
Reed: focus is on getting F9 ready to fly again soon. We want to fly when it’s safe, and keep comm’l crew on track. #AIAASpace
— Jeff Foust (@jeff_foust) September 14, 2016
SpaceX propulsion just achieved first firing of the Raptor interplanetary transport engine pic.twitter.com/vRleyJvBkx
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 26, 2016
Mach diamonds pic.twitter.com/TCX7ZGFnN0
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 26, 2016
Production Raptor goal is specific impulse of 382 seconds and thrust of 3 MN (~310 metric tons) at 300 bar
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 26, 2016
Chamber pressure is almost 3X Merlin, so engine is about the same size for a given area ratio
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 26, 2016