h (км) P (мбар) T (°К) rho (кг/м3) N (м–3) H (км) l (м) (W/m2) T(К) P(Pa)
90 2.8e–3 210 5.0e–6 9.0e19 6.5 0.021 1140000 2111
100 5.8e–4 230 8.8e–7 1.8e19 7.4 0.09 200000 1366
110 1.7e–4 260 2.1e–7 5.4e18 8.5 0.4 48000 956 7.0
120 6e–5 300 5.6e–8 1.8e18 10 1.3 12800 687 3.32
150 5e–6 450 3.2e–9 9.0e16 15 18 730 336 0.19
The propellant collection equations enable the study of where propellant collection is technically feasible as a function of orbit and vehicle performance parameters. Two case studies conducted for a very-low Earth orbit science mission and a propellant depot-type mission serve to demonstrate the application of the propellant collection equations derived in this work. The results of this work show where propellant collection is technically feasible for a wide range of orbit and vehicle performance parameters.
However, propellant collection is not presently suitable for propellant depot applications due to limitations in power.
Drag Coefficients and Collector Efficiency
The drag coefficients and both contribute to the overall aerodynamic
drag on a propellant collecting vehicle. This work makes use of the analytical drag
coefficient derivations from Sentman to estimate the drag coefficient as a function of the
orbit, the collector efficiency, and the usage ratio [47]. Sentman's analysis makes the
assumption of free-molecular flow and diffuse reflection of particles. ...
Compressor Efficiency
In order to compress the oncoming flow for storage, the compressor system must
operate over several orders of magnitude of pressure. Systems capable of achieving the
high compression ratios necessary to perform this function exist in the form of vacuum
pumps. The most likely analog to a notional compression system for a propellant-
collecting vehicle is the turbomolecular pump. Turbomolecular pumps are
turbomachinery devices which utilize a rotating blade assembly over several stages to
mechanically compress ingested gas. Thermodynamically, turbomolecular pumps are
inefficient because they ingest a small mass flow rate and must combat comparatively
large friction and backflow losses [73]. Hablanian estimates turbomolecular pump
thermodynamic efficiency to be "only a few percent." Thus compressor efficiency in this
work is taken to vary between one and ten percent.
Collector Efficiency 0.4
Drag Coefficient Sentman’s Result
Diameter 1.27 m
Length 6.3 m
Volume 8 m3
Usage Ratio 0.61
Total Generated Power 583 kWe
Total Reactor Mass 81,000 kg
Vehicle Dry Mass 135,000 kg
Vehicle Density 16,875 kg/m3
Radiator Area (Deployed) 39 m2
Orbit 140 km, 28.5° Inclination, Circular
Annual Mass Surplus 340 kg/year
At first glance these specifications appear reasonable.
Table 17. Specifications for a collector design which meets the dimension and reactor mass
constraints in addition to the feasibility condition.
Diameter 3.89 m
Length 19.4 m
Volume 230.6 m3
Usage Ratio 0.43
Total Generated Power 583 kWe
Total Reactor Mass 81,000 kg
Vehicle Dry Mass 135,000 kg
Vehicle Density 585 kg/m3
Radiator Area (Deployed) 39 m2
Orbit 170 km, 28.5° Inclination, Circular
Annual Mass Surplus 79.3 kg/year
Table 18. Specifications for a collector design in the ideal case which meets the design constraints.
Diameter 3.96 m
Length 19.8 m
Volume 244 m3
Usage Ratio 0.26
Total Generated Power 3,240 kWe
Total Reactor Mass 81,000 kg
Vehicle Dry Mass 135,000 kg
Vehicle Density 553 kg/m3
Radiator Area (Deployed) 23.4 m2
Orbit 130 km, 28.5° Inclination, Circular
Annual Mass Surplus 4,367 kg/year