
Вторая мировая

LT Bredonosec #11.05.2008 03:11
Закинул несколько ганкамов и просто промо-роликов на тему второй мировой в акк на ютубе.
Возможно, кому будет интересно.

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//было б неплохо всю сформованную партию в 700мб куда-нить залить для удобства, но не знаю, куда//
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LT Bredonosec #05.10.2014 02:41

DeHavilland Mosquito & gun camera film - excellent!
The de Havilland Mosquito was a British combat aircraft that excelled in versatility during the Second World War. It was known affectionately as the "Mossie" to its crews[3] and was also nicknamed "The Wooden Wonder" or "The Timber Terror" as the bulk of the aircraft was made of laminated plywood.[4] Originally conceived as an unarmed fast bomber, the Mosquito was adapted to many other roles during the air war, including: low to medium altitude daytime tactical bomber, high altitude night bomber, pathfinder, day or night fighter

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