And a telephoto view of Dream Chaser and its helicopter in the distance. pic.twitter.com/Ovk9CicDZx
— Jeff Foust (@jeff_foust) August 30, 2017
We've gained NASA confirmation that the SNC Dream Chaser ETA vehicle recently completed a *second* Captive Carry test and is now preparing for the big milestone of the free flight Approach and Landing #2 (ALT-2) test in the second half of October! pic.twitter.com/M5UXOFzGTc
— Chris B - NSF (@NASASpaceflight) October 7, 2017
SNC is proud to announce the Dream Chaser® spacecraft had a successful free-flight test today @EdwardsAFB, with support of @NASAArmstrong. The Dream Chaser had a beautiful flight and landing! pic.twitter.com/lAn0n7FPsg
— Sierra Nevada Corp (@SierraNevCorp) November 12, 2017