me109k2>>>> Спасибо,не надо!
me109k2> kkg1960>> Галинский такой объём в 200-м не потянет по мн. причинам, имхо.
FM>> Maybe it's the time of the year, but you remind me of a certain Ebenezer Scrooge
me109k2> Рад,что в Голландии приличные заработки. Только ,как мне кажется, лично вас никто ни о чем не просил и в ваших советах и рекомендациях не нуждается.
Actually you did ask yourself for a recommendation when asking for a paper model of a South Dakota class battleship. Found two models for you, one was not good enough for you, the other one too expensive. So I gave you a cheaper option, and others tried to help you as well.
The only personal thing I wrote, was that you reminded me of a certain Ebezener Scrooge, and even though I thought it was funny when writing it, I can understand you don't like that remark, and for this I would like to apologize.
Trade unions won't agree with you when you say the minimal wages are decent, (by law it's 1710 euro a month before taxes, based upon a working week of 40 hours, for an adult man or woman), but that a political thing and has nothing to do with modelling.
One more recommendation you did not ask for, but I'm giving it to you anyway. Watch
this video on Youtube, as I can tell you there is no such country called "Holland"..... Holland is only an area in the west of The Netherlands, and that is the only correct name. Regard it as freshing up geography lessons.
Holland is a "brand name", and it's kept alive for tourism, as tourists want to believe the fairy tale of windmills, tulips, wooden shoes, heineken and whores.
Enjoy the holidays, and I hope Santa is kind for you