
Фотомусор на "Морском"

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US Seafang-45 #27.09.2022 23:11



Сообщение было перенесено из темы Военно-морская авиация - История - США.
Истребитель Curtiss F7C-1 (A7664), приписанный к Пятой боевой эскадрилье морской пехоты (VF-5M).

Истребители Curtiss F7C-1 все еще находились на вооружении морской авиации в конце 1933 года, служа в девятой истребительной эскадрилье морской пехоты (VF-9M), но были сняты с вооружения в течение этого года - заменены самолетами Boeing F4B-3 и F4B-4, поскольку последствия депрессии вынудили уйти в отставку много самолетов.

Curtiss F7C-1 fighters were still in service with naval aviation at the end of 1933, serving in the Ninth Marine Fighter Squadron (VF-9M), but were withdrawn from service during that year - replaced by Boeing F4B-3 and F4B-4 aircraft, as the effects of the depression forced many aircraft to retire.
Это сообщение редактировалось 28.09.2022 в 01:07
US Seafang-45 #28.09.2022 01:02



USS Langley (CV-1) is seen at anchor at an unknown date/location / circa 1932. Vought O2U Corsairs on deck and a Leoning OL-8 spotted on the centerline.

If the date of the photos is 1933, the Vought 02U-3/-4 Corsair aircraft are part of Scouting Squadron One (VS-1B) and the ship's Utility Unit squadron (O2U-2).
Это сообщение редактировалось 28.09.2022 в 01:12
US Seafang-45 #29.09.2022 21:07



Сообщение было перенесено из темы ВМС США [вторая половина ХХ века и современность...2].
USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), conducts a fueling-at-sea with the Military Sealift Command fleet replenishment oiler, USNS Yukon (T-AO 202), in the waters east of the Korean Peninsula, Sept. 27, 2022 {photo: 7th Fleet]
US Seafang-45 #08.10.2022 22:10



USS Ranger (CV-4) / undated / mid-1930s.jpg

What is interesting about this bow-on photo is the shape of the forward hull and open forward bow space - both repeated on later "Yorktown/Hornet" class carriers of larger size.

USS Range was a design created with available aircraft carrier tonnage allowed under the Washington Navy Treaty and would not have been designed with this small a design had it not been limited by the Treaty.

Note all the forward port sponson has it 5"/25cal (127-mm) open gun installed.
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US Seafang-45 #10.10.2022 19:55



Сообщение было перенесено из темы Большие противолодочные корабли проекта 1155.
A Russian Navy Kilo-class submarine, along with two Russian Navy ships, transited La Pérouse Strait on Friday, according to a Friday Japan Ministry of Defense release.

A Russian destroyer, submarine and submarine rescue ship were sighted 25 miles northeast of Cape Soya, Hokkaido on Thursday, according to the release. Hull numbers and images identified them as destroyer RFS Admiral Panteleyev (548), a Kilo-class submarine and the submarine rescue vessel Igor Belousov.

The Russian ships sailed westward through La Pérouse Strait into the Sea of Japan. The Russian vessels were monitored by fast attack craft JS Kumataka (PG-827) and JMSDF P-3C Orion MPAs of Fleet Air Wing 2, based at JMSDF Hachinohe Air Base, Honshu, according to the release.

La Pérouse Strait is an international waterway that divides the Russian island of Sakhalin and Japan’s island of Hokkaido. The strait is routinely transited by Russian Pacific Fleet ships moving between the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk. Both seas form part of the Russian Pacific Fleet’s operational area.

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