В США рядовой в среднем зарабатывает 15282 доллара в год. Еще 60 процентов от этого заработка составляют бонусы, страховки и дотации. Единственное отличие от России
Доллар на своей родине - не показатель. За $15К в год в США можно копать, а можно не копать
a. For service in the Active and Reserve components, the minimum age for enlistment is 17 years and the maximum age is
35 years (See 10 U.S.C., 510, reference (a)).)
Для службы в армии и резерве — минимальный возвраст — 17 лет, максимальный — 35.
2. Citizenship
a. To be eligible for enlistment in the Regular Army or Air Force, an individual must be an American citizen, or lawfully
admitted to the United States for permanent residence (10 U.S.C. 3253 and 8253, reference. (a)). There is no equivalent statute limiting enlistment in the Regular Navy and Marine Corps, but they usually apply the same citizenship requirements as those required for the Army and Air Force.
b. To be eligible for enlistment in the Reserve components, an individual must be a citizen of the United States
or lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence (10 U.S.C., 510, reference (a)).
а. Для прохождения службы в регулярной армии или ВВС индивидум должен быть или гражданинном США, или законным резидентом (прим. мое — выходит, что обладатели зеленых карточек и их дети могут служить в армии). Для ВМФ или маринов нет ограничений на прохождение подобных этим (прим. мое — помните, я цитирую только выдержки, а не целый документ), хотя они пользуются подобными требованиями к гражданству.
б. Для прохождения службы в составе резерва индивидуум должен быть или гражданинном США, или законным резидентом.
3. Education
a. Possession of a high school diploma is desirable, although not mandatory, for enlistment in any component of the
Military Services. Section 520 of reference (a) states, "A person who is not a high school graduate may not be accepted for
enlistment in the armed forces unless the score of that person on the Armed Forces Qualification Test is at or above the thirtyfirst percentile; however, a person may not be denied enlistment in the Armed Forces solely because of his not having a high school diploma if his enlistment is needed to meet established strength requirements." Alternative credential holders (i.e., General Education Development Certificates and certificates of attendance and completion) and nongraduates may be assigned lower enlistment priority based on their first-term attrition rates.
3. Образование
а. Наличие аттестата об окончании средней школы (прим. мое — 12 классов) желательно, но не обязательно для прохождения службы в любой компоненте вооруженных сил. Глава 520 ссылки говорит: "Индивиидуум, который не закончил школу не может быть принят на службу, если только он не наберет на специальном армейском квалификационном тесте 31%; однако нельзя отказать человеку в службе в армии только потому, что у него нет аттестата о среднем образовании, если его физическая кондиция удовлетворяет критериям." Если у индивида есть альтернативный сертифика (обладатели GED сертификатов и сертификатов о посещении и завершении) и неокончившие могут быть поставлены в список с более низким приоритетом (прим. мое — помните, армия наемная и имеет план по набору — никто не старается очень сильно перевыполнить план), основанный на оценках первого семестра (тут я затрудняюсь по-русски выразиться — ау другие знающие английский и русский ).
5. Physical Fitness
a. DOD Directive 6130.3 (reference (f)) establishes the standards for entrance under the authority of 10 U.S.C. (reference
b. The pre-accession screening process should be structured to identify individuals with any medical condition that
disqualifies an applicant for military service. Specifically, each applicant shall be independently evaluated by an authorized
physician or a physician at a Military Entrance Processing Station to ensure the applicant is:
(1) Free of contagious or infectious diseases;
(2) Free of medical conditions or physical defects that would require excessive time lost from duty or would likely
result in separation from the Service for medical unfitness;
(3) Medically capable of satisfactorily completing required training;
(4) Medically adaptable to the military environment;
(5) Medically capable of performing duties without aggravation of existing physical defects or medical conditions.
5. Физические тренировки
а. DOD Directive 6130.3 (reference (f)) устанавливает стандартные критерии для отбора в соответствии с 10 U.S.C. (reference (a)).
b. Предварительный отборочный медосмотр должен быт организован так, чтобы определить индивидуумов с различными медицинскими противопоказаниями к службе. Более точно, каждый подавший заявление должен быть осмотрен врачом, имеющим на то право, или врачом армии, для того, чтобы гарантировать:
(1) Отсутствие заразных болезней;
(2) Отсутствие противопоказания или дефектов, которые потребовали бы слишком много времени на уход за ними и, таким образом, влияли бы на исполнение обязанностей или вообще привели бы к прекращению службы;
(3) Физически способны (нет медицинских противопоказанией) завершить требуемую физическую подготовку;
(4) Могли бы адаптироваться к военной среде;
(5) Способны выполнять обязанности военнослужащего без дальнейшего осложнения различных медицинских условой.
Military Says Most Would-Be Recruits Unfit
By PAULINE JELINEK, Associated Press Writer Mon Mar 13, 7:11 AM ET
WASHINGTON - Uncle Sam wants YOU, that famous Army recruiting poster says. But does he really? Not if you're a url=http://search.news.yahoo.com/search/news/?p=Ritalin]
Ritalin[/url]-taking, overweight, Generation Y couch potato — or some combination of the above.
As for that fashionable "body art" that the military still calls a tattoo, having one is grounds for rejection, too.
With U.S. casualties rising in wars overseas and more opportunities in the civilian work force from an improved U.S. economy, many young people are shunning a career in the armed forces. But recruiting is still a two-way street — and the military, too, doesn't want most people in this prime recruiting age group of 17 to 24.
Of some 32 million Americans now in this group, the Army deems the vast majority too obese, too uneducated, too flawed in some way, according to its estimates for the current budget year.
"As you look at overall population and you start factoring out people, many are not eligible in the first place to apply," said Doug Smith, spokesman for the Army Recruiting Command.
Some experts are skeptical.
Previous Defense Department studies have found that 75 percent of young people are ineligible for military service, noted Charles Moskos of Northwestern University. While the professor emeritus who specializes in military sociology says it is "a baloney number," he acknowledges he has no figures to counter it.
"Recruiters are looking for reasons other than themselves," said David R. Segal, director of the Center for Research on Military Organization at the University of Maryland. "So they blame the pool."
The military's figures are estimates, based partly on census numbers. They are part of an elaborate analysis the military does as it struggles each year to compete with colleges and companies for the nation's best and brightest, plan for future needs and maintain diversity.
The Census Bureau estimates that the overall pool of people who would be in the military's prime target age has shrunk as American society ages. There were 1 million fewer 18- to 24-year olds in 2004 than in 2000, the agency says.
The pool shrinks to 13.6 million when only high school graduates and those who score in the upper half on a military service aptitude test are considered. The 30 percent who are high school dropouts are not the top choice of today's professional, all-volunteer and increasingly high-tech military force.
Other factors include:
_the rising rate of obesity; some 30 percent of U.S. adults are now considered obese.
_a decline in physical fitness; one-third of teenagers are now believed to be incapable of passing a treadmill test.
_a near-epidemic rise in the use of Ritalin and other stimulants to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Potential recruits are ineligible for military service if they have taken such a drug in the previous year.
Doctors prescribe these drugs to about 2 million children and 1 million adults a month, according to a federal survey. Many more are believed to be using such stimulants recreationally and to stay awake longer to boost academic and physical performance.
Other potential recruits are rejected because they have criminal histories and too many dependents. Subtract 4.4 million from the pool for these people and for the overweight.
Others can be rejected for medical problems, from blindness to asthma. The Army estimate has subtracted 2.6 million for this group.
That leaves 4.3 million fully qualified potential recruits and an estimated 2.3 million more who might qualify if given waivers on some of their problems.
The bottom line: a total 6.6 million potential recruits from all men and women in the 32 million-person age group.
In the budget year that ended last September, 15 percent of recruits required a waiver in order to be accepted for active duty services — or about 11,000 people of some 73,000 recruited.
Most waivers were for medical problems. Some were for misdemeanors such as public drunkenness, resisting arrest or misdemeanor assault — prompting criticism that the Army is lowering its standards.
This year the Army is trying to recruit 80,000 people; all the services are recruiting about 180,000.
And about the tattoos: They are not supposed to be on your neck, refer to gang membership, be offensive, or in any way conflict with military standards on integrity, respect and team work. The military is increasingly giving waivers for some types of tattoos, officials said.
А они точно на учебу тратят деньги, заработанные в армии? Мне казалось, что по окончании контракта обучение за счет гос-ва.
ОФФ: Фигасе у них там вопросы...
"Если автомобиль потребляет слишком много масла, какая деталь нуждается в замене?"
А какая? Причин тому может быть мульен:)