Snake> Фрегат является наибольшим миноносцем. Занавес.
Если не ругаться на переводчиков, то в общем-то это правда, в то время.
В 1951-м появился в США новый класс - лидеры эсминцев (destroyer leaders (DL/DLG) (хотя, как все помнят лидеры - порождение межвоенного периода, тогда же был их расцвет),
в 1955-м их стали называть фрегатами, оставив обозначение DL, в 1975 большие фрегаты стали крейсерами, поменьше - разжаловали в эсминцы.
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The United States Navy reclassified many of its surface vessels in 1975, changing terminology and hull classification symbols for cruisers, frigates, and ocean escorts.
From the 1950s to 1975, the Navy had three types of fast task force escorts and one type of convoy escort. The task force escorts were cruisers (CAG/CLG/CG), frigates or destroyer-leaders (DL/DLG), and destroyers (DD/DDG); the convoy escorts were ocean escorts (DE/DEG), often known as destroyer escorts. Added in the early 1970s was a new ocean escort called the patrol frigate (PF).
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The U.S. Navy adopted the classification "frigate" (FF) for ships used for open- ocean escort and patrol. When they were developed during World War II, frigates were classified as destroyer escorts (DEs). Frigates resemble destroyers in appearance; but they are slower, have only a single screw, and carry less armament. FFs have grown in size from about 1,500 tons displacement to over 4,000 tons, as in the Knox class (FF-1052). Their armament varies from class to class.
Historically the frigate was a ship of the 4th or 5th rate.
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