HMS Belfast Walk Around
Автор снимков: Lawrence Lai
Количество: 32
Разрешение: 1280х960х24бит jpeg
Размер: 27 Mb
The term cruiser originates from the days of sailing ships when large frigates would detach from the main fleet to cruise independently. The sailing cruiser was powerful and fast enough to attack and destroy enemy commerce raiders. When sail and wood ships were replaced by steam and iron or steel, the cruiser evolved into a powerful warship which was used to patrol trade routes and protect friendly merchant shipping. After WWI, the category of cruiser was created so that it's size could be implied by the diameter of its guns.
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HMS Belfast
Photos courtesy of Ian Wrenford
HMS Belfast
Photos courtesy of Ian Wrenford
Copyright © Australian Plastic Modeller's Association 2000 Used in SMML by permission
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