RoyalJib> Однажды я общался с одним человеком, который "очень в теме" за наши авианосцы.
RoyalJib> На вопрос, когда мы уже увидим новые единицы я получил примерно такой ответ:
RoyalJib> - Проект есть. Можем строить. Можем, но негде. Нет подходящего стапеля во всей стране. Сначала надо построить стапель и делать это надо было лет 10 назад. Тогда сейчас мы бы строили авианосец. Атомный. Полноценный.
RoyalJib> Вот как то так... За маленьким уточнением, диалог этот происходил в 2005 году.
А в это время.
Global Guided Missile Expansion Forcing U.S. Navy to Rethink Surface Fleet Size
Особо в глаза бросается: But as more and more-lethal guided weapons are becoming available globally, as well as platforms that could deploy them, the threat axis expands further around the strike group and requires more sensors and weapons to counter the missile threats — now not just from enemy installations on shore or fighters, but also from high speed guided weapons from surface ships and submarines, as indicated by the recent ONI assessment.
Ну вот например, что такое игрушки по Проэкции силы против соперника, который не в 7 веке живёт а в 21-ом.
“If you’re going to put the carrier into harm’s way, if it’s going to operate within cruise missile range of an adversary’s coast, then it’s going to be really hard to have enough capacity to defend against all the threats against the carrier,” he said.
“The problem is that if someone is going to shoot ballistic missiles at your carrier, they’re going to shoot a lot more things at it as well. Both air and surface launched.”
Clark said the Navy’s estimates from the 2012 FSA were already probably too low to protect the carrier from a well-armed adversary, and unless key ways the Navy fights its ships are changed, more large surface combatants might not be the answer.
“I don’t know if five or six cruisers or destroyers are going to make that big of a difference,” he said.
“I’m not sure if that changes the composition of the strike group because they were already operating at risk. How you deal with that is, operate those aircraft carriers in places where the threat is commensurate with your defensive capacity you have.”