muxel, 04.05.2004 01:09:32 :Kestrel, не забудь мне "+" поставить
An order for four modified Veer Class corvettes was placed in April 1997. This four-unit order was later drawn down to two units: one at Mazagon Dock Ltd, Mumbai and the other at Goa Shipyard Ltd. INS Prabal and INS Pralaya are a further modification of the Project 12418 design and may be referred to as the Mod 1241RE in Indian Navy service. One may also hear the name Molniya for these vessels, as it is the generic Russian name for the 1241 series of raketny kater (missile cutter) boats.
INS Prabal and INS Pralaya are quite different, in equipment, armament and appearance from their sister ships. Modified with Russian input, the weapons & sensor fit is similar to that of the Project 25A Class corvette, INS Kirch. Radars include a MR 352 Positiv-E radar, a Garpun Bal E and a BEL Lynx gunfire control radar. Armament comprises sixteen 3M-24E AShMs, the BHEL-assembled OTO 76mm Super Rapid Gun Mount (SRGM) along with two AK-630M CIWS gun mounts. The Lynx fire control system controls the twin AK-630M mounts and the 76mm OTO Melara gun. The radar has the following functions: a) Detection of surface and air targets, changeover to automatic tracking mode for selected targets and establishing it's coordinates and movement parameters; b) Working out data for firing, taking into account the target manoeuvring movement, movement of boat & ballistic correction. The EW suite appears incomplete - the characteristic radome of the Ajanta system is missing.
Шарнхорст, 04.05.2004 18:24:54 :Kestrel, 02.05.2004 15:25:08 :хмммм
Индус - K91 Pralaya with Lynx Fire Control System
А страна, во флоте которой служил этот корабль, находится в Европе или нет?
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кстати доски из дерева на корпусе - это подложка под броню?