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The S-IVB body coordinate system is designated by the unit orthogonal vectors XV, YV, and ZV which are also the axes of rotation for roll, pitch, and yaw respectively. Between TLI + 0 and TLI + l min. the vehicle is held at a fixed inertial attitude. Between TLI + 1 min. and TLI + 15 min. the vehicle is oriented with XV along the local horizontal and ZV toward the center of the earth. YV is directed into the xy plane of Figures 2 and 3. The vehicle is then maneuvered to an attitude which will remain fixed during the transposition and docking period.
The command and service modules separated from the S-IVB and successfully completed the transposition and docking sequence. The spacecraft were ejected from the S-IVB at 4 hours 17 minutes. The effect of the 0.7-ft/sec ejection maneuver was a change in the predicted pericynthion altitude to 827.2 miles. The separation maneuver performed by the service propulsion system was executed precisely and on time. The resulting trajectory conditions indicate a pericynthion altitude reduction to 180.0 miles, as compared to the planned value of 167.7 miles. The difference indicates a 0.24-ft/sec execution error.
Five constraints are especially important during this portion of an Apollo lunar mission:
1. Communication is required during the transposition and docking period between the S-IVB and the earth. The approximate direction of the antenna axis is shown in Figure 1.
2. A line drawn from the S-IVB to the sun should pass through the shaded area shown in Figure 1, to insure satisfactory illumination during the withdrawal of the LM from the S-IVB.
3. Attitude maneuvers should be such that the angle between the S-IVB x axis and the earth parking orbit plane should not exceed 45º. This constraint is a result of a limitation on the Saturn
stable platform middle gimbal angle.
4. The angle between the x axis of the CSM and the sun should not be greater than 90º during docking. This will prevent glare on the S-IVB/LM from interfering with visibility from the CSM
5. The elevation of the sun above the eastern horizon at the lunar landing site should lie between 7 and 20 degrees.
Begin Maneuver to Local Horizontal Attitude = 10.404.4 sec
Begin Orbital Navigation = 10.404.4 sec
Begin Maneuver to Transposition and Docking Attitude (TD&E) = 11,285.0 sec
CSM Separation = 11.884.9 sec
CSM Dock = 12,413.3 sec
SC/LV Final Separation = 15.180.9 sec
Initiate Maneuver to Slingshot Attitude = 16,581.0 sec
S-IVB APS Ullage Engine No.1 cutoff command = 19,700.2 sec
S-IVB APS Ullage Engine No.2 cutoff command = 19,700.4 sec
Initiate Haneuver to Comnunications Attitude = 20,197.o sec