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"Информация о том, что стратегические атомные подводные лодки типа "Борей" будут приняты на вооружение ВМФ для выполнения задач "в качестве многоцелевых подводных лодок", не соответствует действительности", - заявили агентству "Интерфакс-АВН" в Главном штабе ВМФ.
In other cases, tests identified technical problems that will need to be overcome before ship
installation or that have led to changes in the ship design. The permanent magnet motor, a key element of the integrated power system, failed tests, and was replaced by the advanced induction motor. Because the Navy maintained the induction motor as a fallback technology, the integrated power system was able to meet the exit criteria. The substitution of the advanced induction motor does change the noise, weight, and space usage of the power system, which could have implications for the ship design.
October: Main turbine generator set factory acceptance test;
October: Advanced induction motor factory acceptance test;
November: Auxiliary turbine generator factory acceptance test;
January: Auxiliary turbine generator factory acceptance test;
January: Permanent magnet motor test failure;
July-September: Land-based testing of integrated power system;