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Just some of the more notable and interesting RPG/direct fire AT attacks on M1s (there's heaps of ones that had no effect; like, RPG hit turret/skirt/front/track and had no effect or superficial damage. There's also lots of, skirt hit and damaged, with no reported effects past that; though hits on armored skirts are interesting to note); details are what's listed in the AAR. What types of RPG? Most likely PG-7V/M in the majority of cases, with the odd disposable RPG-18/22 here and there — all being of similar capabilities anyway, i.e., 300-400mm of penetration.
-M1A1 damaged by 4 RPGs on 2004/03/07 in Ramadi
-M1A1 attacked with 2 RPGs on 2004/04/08 in Baghdad, resulting in 4 broken hubs and 1 minor WIA
-M1 tank hit and disabled by 2 RPG rounds on 2004/04/10; tank burning
-M1 hit by RPG on 2004/06/13 in Baghdad, damaging the gun tube and causing 3 minor WIA
-M1A2 tank hit by RPG and damaged on 2004/08/23 in Baghdad, causing 1 KIA and 2 WIA
-M1 tank hit by RPG fire on 2004/11/09 in Fallujah, resulting in a damaged turret and main gun
-M1 tank hit by RPG on 2004/11/30 in Bayji, causing 1 minor WIA (most likely unbuttoned); no tank damage
-M1 tank hit by 2 RPGs on 2005/02/12 in Mosul, resulting in minor damage to the engine compartment (disabled though)
-M1 tank hit by RPG in rear on 2005/05/17 in Khalidiyah, resulting in a mobility kill
-M1A1 hit by RPG on left side road wheels on 2005/08/27 in Khalidyah, damaging the radio, track and a road wheel
-M1A1 hit by RPG on left side of tank on 2005/10/22 in Khalidyah, damaging two road wheels and a hub
-M1A1 hit by RPG in front right road wheel on 2006/03/17 in Ramadi, resulting in minor damage to the tank and 1 WIA (possible concussion)
-M1A1 hit by 2 RPGs striking the TC's hatch on 2006/04/17 in Khalidiyah, resulting in 3 WIA (1 serious and 2 routine) and damage to the loader's hatch (probably got the hatches confused)
-M1 hit by numerous RPGs on 2006/10/07 in Ad Diwaniyah, resulting in a destroyed tank (fire)
-M1A2 hit by RPG fire on 2006/10/27 in Sadr City, resulting in damage to #5 and 6 skirts and 3 minor WIA
-M1A1 hit by RPG on 2007/02/02 in Ramadi, resulting in damage to the left track and immobilizing the tank
-M1A1 hit by RPG on TC's cupola on 2007/03/09 in Fallujah, causing minor damage to vision blocks
-M1A1 hit by RPG on 2007/03/09 in Ramadi, damaging the #2 left road wheel and blowing a skirt off
-M1 hit on hatch (roof) by RPG on 2008/02/20, resulting in 1 KIA and 3 WIA
-M1A2 hit by RPG on 2007/05/06 in Baghdad, resulting in 1 WIA (shapnel to right shoulder) and the tank losing power
-M1A2 hit by RPG on left side on 2007/05/03 in Baghdad, resulting in a sponson box fire and loss of turret power; 1-2 inches wide by 8-10 inches deep hole in left side turret
-M1A1 hit by RPG on 2008/03/29 in Baghdad, causing 2 WIA (1 routine and 1 RTD); the armor wasn't penetrated
-M1A1 hit by RPG on 2008/04/06, resulting in electrical problems on the tank (loose battery most likely)
-M1 hit by RPG fire (up to 4) on 2008/04/27, resulting in damage to the left side of the tank
-M1 hit by RPG in the rear on 2008/04/28, resulting in a punctured fuel cell; mobility kill
-M1A2 hit by RPG on bustle rack on 2008/05/04 and another M1A2 hit by EFP in the same engagement; 1 WIA (RTD with face lacerations)
-M1A1 hit by IRL (improvised rocket launcher) on rear of turret on 2007/02/17 in Fallujah, resulting in 4 WIA (3 priority and 1 routine) and a damaged EAPU; no hull penetration
-M1A1 hit by IRL on 2006/11/30 in Ramadi, resulting in penetration of the #1 left skirt and a 1 inch deep by 2 inches deep hole in the hull (copper residue, so HEAT)
-M1 hit by rocket on 2004/02/08 in Husaybah, resulting in penetration of the turret ring; components of a 62mm Chinese rocket were found (probably HEAT)
-M1 hit by RPG on the left side turret on 2005/12/27, resulting in damage to the sponson box, antenna mount and armor; no penetration into the turret
-M1A1 hit by rocket in the left side turret on 2006/01/05 in Khalidiyah, resulting in the turret losing power (minor damage though); 68mm SPAM-V flechette rocket
-M1 hit by IRL on 2006/05/18 in Khalidiyah, resulting in rear grill door over the engine damaged and the tank running in emergency engine mode; a 68mm French SPAM-V flechette rocket was stuck in the grill door
-M1A2 hit by RPG on 2008/04/24, resulting in damage to the turret ring and 2 WIA (shrapnel to bodies). {Appears to have been a lucky hit that made it through the turret ring}
-M1A1 fired at by several RPGs on 2004/04/07 in Khalidiyah, resulting in #2 skirt penetration
-M1A2 hit by RPG on #2 skirt on right side on 2006/12/25, resulting in 1 WIA (gunner has shrapnel to the legs); said to have been by spall, though the hull wasn't penetrated (partial penetration?)
-M1A2 hit by RPG on 2007/06/03 in Balad, resulting in a hull penetration and 1 WIA (shrapnel to lower left leg)
-M1A2 hit by RPG on 2007/04/20, resulting in minor damage to #3 skirt and hub underneath broken
-M1A2 hit by RPG on 2007/05/15 in Baghdad, hitting the left side #1 skirt and damaging hubs #6 and 7
-M1A1 (TUSK) hit by RPG on 2008/05/07, resulting in 4 ERA tiles blown off; RPG hit area of left #1 and #2 skirt
-M1A2 hit by RPG on 2006/02/13, resulting in a broken hub
-M1A2 hit by RPG on 2007/07/31, resulting in the tank leaking hydraulic fluid
-M1A2 hit by RPG on 2007/05/17 in Baghdad, resulting in minor damage to a hub and road wheel
-M1A1 hit by RPG on 2007/02/14 in Ramadi, resulting in a minor hydraulic leak
And a couple of interesting ones:
-T-72 had a grenade thrown inside the turret on 2006/1/29 in Mirad As Suki, resulting in the tank cooking off (1 minor WIA who apparently managed to escape in time)
-MGS was hit with a RKG-3 on 2009/02/09 in Baqubah, which penetrated the roof of the vehicle and through the bottom; 1 WIA with shrapnel
Most others are ineffective, and some from large operations aren't listed.