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Ставший знаменитым казак с бородой,представившийся Александром Можаевым по прозвищу Бабай пообщался с журналистом TIME,даже дал посмотреть свой паспорт,поведал о том что ранее проживал в Белореченске и рассказал вообще что происходило с ним за последнюю пару месяцев,в том числе в Крыму.Посмеялся с товарищами,когда сотрудник показал ему фотографии о которых поведала Дженифер Псаки на брифинге.
Ukraine has alleged that Russian forces are operating in the east. But one man tells TIME that they do not work for the Russian government
Spend a few days riding around the separatist badlands of eastern Ukraine, and you’d have a good chance of running into Alexander Mozhaev, the fighter suspected of being a Russian government operative. He’s hard to miss, and not just because photographs of him — or claiming to be of him — have been made available by the Ukrainian government in recent days. His beard, which juts out of his face like a spade, has made him something of a mascot for the local separatists.
Perhaps aptly, Mozhaev’s nickname among them is Babay, the Russian word for bogeyman, which is exactly what the Ukrainian government has tried to make him. Over the past week, authorities in Kiev have released photographs that purport to prove that Mozhaev is an agent of the Russian military intelligence service known as GRU, and they have shared that information with senior Western diplomats and some reporters. This claim has been at the center of their narrative that Russian special forces, controlled by the Kremlin, have taken over towns in the Donbass, the industrial heartland of eastern Ukraine.
In reality, Mozhaev, 36, fits the description of many of the separatist fighters in the area around Slavyansk, a zone of about 100 km in diameter that all branches of the Ukrainian state, from the police to the tax authorities, have effectively abandoned to the separatists. According to his passport, which he showed to TIME, Mozhaev hails from the town of Belorechensk in the southern Russian region of Krasnodar, the traditional stomping ground of the Cossacks, the warrior clan into which he was born.
Так же немного рассказывается о "спецагенте Ромашка" распиареным СБУ,журналисту удалось его увидеть и убедиться что некий Ромашка действительно существует.Про связь с российскими спецслужбами Ромашка ответил – "ноу коммент".
Ukraine has alleged that Russian forces are operating in the east. But one man tells TIME that they do not work for the Russian government
// time.com