murzik>> Патрульный корабль “Tagomago” Р-22
murzik>> фото В.В. Марков - декабрь 2018
murzik> фото 3
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The “Tagomago”, second of its class, was launched in February 1980 and delivered to the Spanish Navy on January 30th 1981. The ship received the battle ensign from her sponsor, Mrs. Remedios Montánez, in La Gomera (Canary Islands). As of July 2012, the boat is stationed in the port of Málaga.
An incident worth mentioning is the machine-gunning in the Sahara fishing ground on September 21st 1985 while searching for the trawler “Junquito”. The patrol boat took 48 hits and a Leading Seaman, José Manuel Castro was killed in action. Particularly noteworthy was the role played by the Medical Corps 2nd Lieutenant Antonio Acosta and the ship's commanding officer, preventing further casualties.
Инцидент заслуживающий упоминания в истории корабля:
Попал под обстрел из автоматического оружия в районе рыболовного промысла Сахара 21 сентября 1985 в поисках траулера “Junquito”. Патрульный катер получил 48 попаданий, а ведущий моряк Хосе Мануэль Кастро был убит в бою. Особого внимания заслуживает роль, которую сыграли 2-й лейтенант Медицинского Корпуса Антонио Акоста и командир корабля, предотвращая дальнейшие жертвы.
The ship's hulls are made of naval steel (Martin Siemens) and the superstructures of aluminum. Their endurance is of 12 days at 10 knots with a maximum speed of 15 knots. The ships are fitted to enable them to conduct light cargo transfers, towing other vessels and vertical replenishment with helicopters, among other capabilities.
• LENGTH: 44,26 mts.
• BEAM : 6,60 mts.
• DRAUGHT : 3,3 mts.
• SPEED: 15 knots.
o 3"/50 Mk-22 Gun
o 20/85 mm Oerlikon Mod.5 Gun.
o Navigation Radar “Consilium Selesmar” RTM 12X/M, I-band.
o Navigation Radar “Sperry” Mk-1270E.
o Sounder WHRM “Electronics”
o Gyroscope “Sperry” Mk-27 Mod.1
o GPS “Simrad” GN33
o GPS “Koden” KGP-98.
o Compass.
o Diesel engine “Marino Bazán” MTU (4,500 HP).
o Controllable pitch propeller.
o Two diesel generators (112 KW).
o 1 Commanding officer (Lieutenant).
o 3 Officers.
o 4 Non-commissioned officers.
o 10 Leading seamen.
o 9 Ratings.