Вчера (FB - TRA) поздравляли парня (Kip Daugirdas) с серьезным достижением (конечно, с северо-корейскими "ракетомоделистами" не сравнить, но...)
I flew my latest rocket to 293,488 ft (that’s 55.6 miles high) and reached speeds over 4 times the speed of sound. This was a massive effort for me that spanned several years (2020-2022) and tested me, at times, to the limits of my sanity. I dreamt and daydreamed of this result but always knew that failure was the most likely outcome with projects of this nature. I’m still reeling from the success. Check out these initial photos and enjoy!
Rocket Info….
Booster: 4.50” / Sustainer: 3.00” diameter
Weight: 87lbs at pad
Length: 12.3ft
Payload: 2x GoPro 9 with rectilinear lenses (one shooting 4K/60fps and the other photos)
Avionics sustainer: Multitronix Kate 3.0, Featherweight Raven 4
Avionics booster: 2x Featherweight Raven 4, Beeline GPS
Experimental O4500 (32,943 N-s at Sea Level)
Experimental M830 (7,743 N-s at Sea Level)
Видео не было, несколько фоток (особо смотрится вид на Калифорнию/Орегон и Тихий океан из Невады)
Посмотрел профиль Kip Daugirdas - товарищ последовательно шел к достигнутому - 20, 21, 22-ой года - там и испытания двигателей, и пробные запуски...