Филич> Для решения этой проблемы в США разработана автоматизированная система "Outlaw Shark" для загоризонтного целеуказания противокорабельной КР с использованием патрульных вертолетов и палубных самолетов.
Ага, как обычно выдают желаемое за действительное

"The OUTLAW SHARK program was, however,
terminated in 1980, as a result of three factors: (1) OUTLAW SHARK became prohibitively expensive once it transitioned from project to program status; (2) this program tan into major conflicts with other formal efforts, such as OSIS, TOMAHAWK Weapons Control Station, and Tactical Flag Command Center; and (3) two of the most enthusiastic supporters of the program left the effort (Capt Best because of transfer, and Capt Smith because of a disabling automobile accident)."