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Celebrity Infinity passenger here. The crash occurred about 4 hours ago when we were scheduled to get off the ship. Just for backstory, it had been stormy all morning as we were sailing to Ketchikan and we weren't allowed to go outside. As we approached Ketchikan it became less stormy but the winds were still going pretty strong. I was on the side of the ship that hit the dock and there was a noise and a bump but it didn't feel nearly as bad as it looks. We were forced to stay on the ship while Celebrity dealt with authorities and just now as I type this, we've finally been given permission to leave the ship after pulling to a new dock. However, since it's lobster night, most people are just staying on the ship. Definitely a shitshow of a day on the Infinity, however, the cruise had gone swimmingly up till today and this setback hasn't ruined the trip.
Сухогруз MV Unison Vigor стоял себе мирно у причала под разгрузкой стального проката в порту Сиам в Таиланде. И в это время на него налетел, швартующийся m/v Ocean Flavor. В результате MV Unison Vigor затонул, что мы и наблюдаем на видео. Дело было в 2011 году, но видео появилось недавно.